Ein Hinweis vorweg:
Das ist eine naive Implementierung, das bedeutet ich würde es so nicht produktiv einsetzen. Beispielsweise würde ich statt der Open-Anweisung auf ADO.Stream setzen und ich würde Interfaces einführen; z.B. um Positionsinformationen eines LogEntry zu pflegen. Die Klasse LogFile würde ich weiter auftrennen in LogReader und LogWriter (auch hier wäre jeweils ein Interface sinnvoll).
Die hier verwendeten Klassen findest du weiter unten.
Hier folgt ein Beispiel zur Verwendung:
Option Explicit
Sub TestDemo()
Dim objLogFile As LogFile
Dim strFilename As String
Set objLogFile = New LogFile
strFilename = Environ$("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\MyLogFile.txt"
If Not objLogFile.ReadFromFile(strFilename) Then
Call MsgBox("Datei konnte nicht erfolgreich gelesen werden.")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim objLogEntry As LogEntry
Dim i As Long
Debug.Print "~ OUTPUT ~"
For i = 1 To objLogFile.EntryCount
Set objLogEntry = objLogFile.Entry(i)
Debug.Print objLogEntry.PageCount, objLogEntry.Filename
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'>> dritten Eintrag ändern und speichern
Set objLogEntry = objLogFile.Entry(3)
objLogEntry.PageCount = objLogEntry.PageCount + 7
Call objLogEntry.WriteToFile(objLogFile)
'>> Erneut Lesen, nach Änderung:
' * Erneutes Lesen wäre eigentlich nicht notwendig,
' da die Informationen bereits in den Instanzen gecached vorliegt)
Call objLogFile.ReadFromFile(strFilename)
Debug.Print "~ OUTPUT (edited) ~"
For i = 1 To objLogFile.EntryCount
Set objLogEntry = objLogFile.Entry(i)
Debug.Print objLogEntry.PageCount, objLogEntry.Filename
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Dim lngSum As Long
Debug.Print String(15, "-")
For i = 1 To objLogFile.EntryCount
lngSum = lngSum + objLogFile.Entry(i).PageCount
Debug.Print "Sum(PageCount):"; lngSum
End Sub
Klasse: LogFile
Option Explicit
Private Const C_SOURCE As String = "LogFile"
Private Const E_INVALID_SEPERATOR As Long = vbObjectError + 1
Private Const E_INVALID_POSITION As Long = vbObjectError + 2
Private m_colLogEntries As VBA.Collection
Private m_strSeperator As String
Private m_strFilename As String
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_colLogEntries = New VBA.Collection
m_strSeperator = ","
End Sub
Public Function ReadFromFile(Filename As String) As Boolean
Dim colLogEntries As VBA.Collection
Set colLogEntries = New VBA.Collection
Dim lngPosition As Long
Dim QNr As Long
lngPosition = 1
QNr = FreeFile
Dim objLogEntry As LogEntry
Dim strLine As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Open Filename For Input As #QNr
Do Until EOF(QNr)
Set objLogEntry = New LogEntry
objLogEntry.Position = lngPosition
Line Input #QNr, strLine
Call objLogEntry.FromLineExpr(strLine, Me.Seperator)
Call colLogEntries.Add(objLogEntry)
lngPosition = lngPosition + Len(strLine) + Len(vbNewLine)
Close #QNr
On Error GoTo 0
Set m_colLogEntries = colLogEntries
m_strFilename = Filename
ReadFromFile = True
Exit Function
Debug.Print Err.Number & ":", Err.Description
Close #QNr
ReadFromFile = False
End Function
Public Property Get Seperator() As String
Seperator = m_strSeperator
End Property
Public Property Let Seperator(RHS As String)
If Len(RHS) = 0 Then Call Err.Raise(E_INVALID_SEPERATOR, C_SOURCE, "Seperator cannot be of length zero")
m_strSeperator = RHS
End Property
Public Property Get Entry(Index As Long) As LogEntry
Set Entry = m_colLogEntries(Index)
End Property
Public Property Get EntryCount() As Long
EntryCount = m_colLogEntries.Count
End Property
Public Sub WriteEntry(LineExpr As String, Optional Position As Long = 0)
If m_strFilename = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim QNr As Long
QNr = FreeFile
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If Position <= 0 Then
Open m_strFilename For Append As #QNr
Open m_strFilename For Append As #QNr
Seek #QNr, Position
End If
Print #QNr, LineExpr
Close #QNr
If Position > 0 Then
'TODO: update Position-Property aller nachfolgenden LogEntry Instanzen
End If
Exit Sub
Close #QNr
Call Err.Raise(Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext)
End Sub
Klasse: LogEntry
Option Explicit
Private m_lngPosition As Long
Private m_lngPageCount As Long
Private m_strFilename As String
Public Property Get Position() As Long
Position = m_lngPosition
End Property
Public Property Let Position(RHS As Long)
m_lngPosition = RHS
End Property
Public Property Get PageCount() As Long
PageCount = m_lngPageCount
End Property
Public Property Let PageCount(RHS As Long)
m_lngPageCount = RHS
End Property
Public Property Get Filename() As String
Filename = m_strFilename
End Property
Public Property Let Filename(RHS As String)
m_strFilename = RHS
End Property
Public Function AsLineExpr(Seperator As String) As String
AsLineExpr = Format$(Me.PageCount, "000") & Seperator & Me.Filename
End Function
Public Sub FromLineExpr(LineExpr As String, Seperator As String)
Dim vntLine As Variant
vntLine = Split(Trim$(LineExpr), Seperator)
Me.PageCount = CLng(Trim$(vntLine(0)))
Me.Filename = Trim$(vntLine(1))
End Sub
Public Sub WriteToFile(File As LogFile)
Dim strLineExpr As String
strLineExpr = Me.AsLineExpr(File.Seperator)
Call File.WriteEntry(strLineExpr, Me.Position)
End Sub