Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot Linebreak within ContentControl Problem
23.01.2009 14:54:28 maxwell
25.01.2009 13:53:02 maxwell

Ansicht des Beitrags:
23.01.2009 14:54:28
Rating: Antwort:
Linebreak within ContentControl Problem

I do have a big problem concerning linebreaks within Plaintext- and Richtext-ContentControls.

I want to put two ContentControls right behind each other. No space or linebreak in between.
Then I want to add the following text to one of two controls:
ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("VI_Footer2").Item(1).Range.Text = "Hello" & vbCrLf & "World"

The Problem is, using Plaintext-ContentControls (Propertie for Linebreak is set to true), the Hello is within the ContentControl "VI_Footer2", the String "World" is in the next line outside of the ContentControl!!! The ContentControls only behave correctly, if I put a linebreak between the two ContentControls. Then the "Hello linebreak World" is within the ContentControl...

Using two Richtext-ContentControls placed right behind each other, it doesn't work eather! I get the error message "Runtime error 5844 - One of the values passed to this method or property is incorrect."
Here too, if I put a linebreak between the two ContentControls, everthing works fine.

I made an example to understand my problem. You can find it here ->

Has anyone experienced this problem too? Does anybody know a solution or workaround how to fix this problem!

I would appreciate every advice!


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Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot Linebreak within ContentControl Problem
23.01.2009 14:54:28 maxwell
25.01.2009 13:53:02 maxwell