Von Nutzer
04.08.2018 00:57:47 |
Piet |
04.08.2018 04:53:15 |
Gast55605 |
04.08.2018 09:01:17 |
Gast58428 |
04.08.2018 19:47:44 |
Gast27503 |
04.08.2018 21:25:25 |
Gast13567 |
04.08.2018 21:47:04 |
Gast38093 |
05.08.2018 12:31:54 |
Gast27503 |
Beispiel zum Umbennen: |
05.08.2018 14:50:50 |
Gast47764 |
Gast47764 |
05.08.2018 14:50:50 |
589 |
Beispiel zum Umbennen: |
Gerade erst kappiert das du n Verzeichnis umbenennen willst. hab mich vorhin verlesen. ;)
'Module: modShellAPI
Option Explicit
#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Function SHFileOperationW Lib "shell32" ( _
) As Long
hWnd As LongPtr
wFunc As Long
pFrom As String
pTo As String
fFlags As Integer
fAnyOperationsAborted As Boolean
hNameMappings As LongPtr
lpszProgressTitle As String
End Type
#End If
'(some!) shell api return codes
Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Long = 0
'(some!) SHFileOperation operations
Private Const FO_MOVE As Long = &H1
Private Const FO_COPY As Long = &H2
Private Const FO_DELETE As Long = &H3
Private Const FO_RENAME As Long = &H4
'(some!) SHFileOperation flags
Private Const FOF_NOCONFIRMATION As Long = &H10
Private Const FOF_ALLOWUNDO As Long = &H40
Private Const FOF_NOERRORUI As Long = &H400
'(some!) SHFileOperation error codes
Private Const DE_SAMEFILE As Long = &H71 'The source and destination files are the same file.
Private Const DE_DIFFDIR As Long = &H73 'Rename operation was specified but the destination path is a different directory. Use the move operation instead.
Private Const DE_ROOTDIR As Long = &H74 'The source is a root directory, which cannot be moved or renamed.
Private Const DE_OPCANCELLED As Long = &H75 'The operation was canceled by the user, or silently canceled if the appropriate flags were supplied to SHFileOperation.
Private Const DE_DESTSUBTREE As Long = &H76 'The destination is a subtree of the source.
Private Const DE_ACCESSDENIEDSRC As Long = &H78 'Security settings denied access to the source.
Private Const DE_PATHTOODEEP As Long = &H79 'The source or destination path exceeded or would exceed MAX_PATH.
Private Const DE_MANYDEST As Long = &H7A 'The operation involved multiple destination paths, which can fail in the case of a move operation.
Private Const DE_INVALIDFILES As Long = &H7C 'The path in the source or destination or both was invalid.
Private Const DE_DESTSAMETREE As Long = &H7D 'The source and destination have the same parent folder.
Private Const DE_FLDDESTISFILE As Long = &H7E 'The destination path is an existing file.
Private Const DE_FILEDESTISFLD As Long = &H80 'The destination path is an existing folder.
Private Const DE_FILENAMETOOLONG As Long = &H81 'The name of the file exceeds MAX_PATH.
Private Const DE_ERROR_MAX As Long = &HB7 'MAX_PATH was exceeded during the operation.
Private Const DE_UNKNOWN As Long = &H402 'An unknown error occurred. This is typically due to an invalid path in the source or destination. This error does not occur on Windows Vista and later.
Private Const ERRORONDEST As Long = &H10000 'An unspecified error occurred on the destination.
Private Const DE_ISROOTDIR As Long = DE_ROOTDIR Or ERRORONDEST 'Destination is a root directory and cannot be renamed.
Public Sub Demo_Move()
Dim strPath As String
Dim strPathNew As String
With Worksheets("Tabelle1")
strPath = StrConv("D:\" & .Range("B3") & "\", vbUnicode)
strPathNew = StrConv("D:\" & .Range("B3") & "_2018\", vbUnicode)
End With
If Not SHFileFolderRenameW(strPath, strPathNew) Then
Call MsgBox("Umbenennen fehlgeschalgen.", vbCritical)
' Else
' '...
End If
End Sub
'// renames a file or a folder
Public Function SHFileFolderRenameW(ByVal Path As String, ByVal PathNew As String) As Boolean
Const PROC_NAME As String = "SHFileFolderRenameW"
Dim retVal As Long
With udtSHFO
' .hWnd = 0
.wFunc = FO_RENAME
.pFrom = Path & String$(2, vbNullChar)
.pTo = PathNew & String$(2, vbNullChar)
End With
retVal = SHFileOperationW(udtSHFO)
Debug.Print Format$(Time, "\#hh:mm:ss\#"); Spc(1); PROC_NAME; Spc(1);
Select Case retVal
Case Else: Debug.Print "returned 0x" & Hex$(retVal)
End Select
SHFileFolderRenameW = (retVal = ERROR_SUCCESS)
End Function
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Von Nutzer
04.08.2018 00:57:47 |
Piet |
04.08.2018 04:53:15 |
Gast55605 |
04.08.2018 09:01:17 |
Gast58428 |
04.08.2018 19:47:44 |
Gast27503 |
04.08.2018 21:25:25 |
Gast13567 |
04.08.2018 21:47:04 |
Gast38093 |
05.08.2018 12:31:54 |
Gast27503 |
Beispiel zum Umbennen: |
05.08.2018 14:50:50 |
Gast47764 |