Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot VBA in Excel - Das Datum aktualisieren
14.02.2018 10:35:09 ButterFly
14.02.2018 10:50:06 Werner
14.02.2018 11:35:11 Gast70117

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14.02.2018 10:35:09
Rating: Antwort:
VBA in Excel - Das Datum aktualisieren
Guten Tag zusammen, ich kenne mich leider nicht sehr gut aus mit VBA und werde über Eure Unterstützung sehr Dankbar sein. Problem: Es handelt sich um eine Excel-Datei von Jahr 2017, der jetzt aktualisiert werden soll auf 2018. Die Excel Datei beinhaltet drei Tabellenblätter inkl. Pivot-Funktion. In der ersten Tabellenblatt warden Daten manuel eingefügt und anhand Pivot dann die Datei aktualisert. Wie kann ich die Datei aktualisieren? Die Datei wurde mit folgende Macros erstellt: Modul 1: Sub AbsoluteBezuege() ' ' AbsoluteBezuege Makro ' ' Tastenkombination: Strg+d ' Dim Zelle As Range For Each Zelle In Selection If Zelle.HasFormula = True Then Zelle.Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(Zelle.Formula, xlA1, , xlAbsolute) 'Zelle.Formula = Application.ConvertFormula( _ 'Zelle.Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative, Zelle) End If Next Zelle End Sub Module 2: ' This function is written to compare reported consumptions and invoices ' in Overview worksheets. ' Each two corresponding cells in consumption and invoice tables have been ' compared. ' If they be matched, the color of cells will be set to Green, otherwise yellow Modul 3: Sub Paste_Invoice() ' ' Paste_Invoice Makro ' ' Tastenkombination: Strg+i ' ' Unter Extras, Verweise muss dieser Verweis gesetzt werden ' "Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library" Dim InvoiceData As DataObject Dim Page2 As Variant Dim InvoiceTable As Variant Dim InvoiceNo As String Dim Row As Variant Dim i As Integer Dim blnError_PasteData blnError_PasteData = False 'Get Data from Clipboard Set InvoiceData = New DataObject InvoiceData.GetFromClipboard 'Check if keywords for splitting are in string If InStr(InvoiceData.GetText, "ANNEXURE") < 1 Or InStr(InvoiceData.GetText, "SUM") < 1 Then MsgBox "Please make sure you copied the entire invoice document, including the words 'ANNEXURE' and 'SUM'." Exit Sub End If 'Split DataString, extract Invoice No and table with invoice items Page2 = Split(InvoiceData.GetText(), "ANNEXURE")(1) 'Check if keywords for splitting are in string and extract page 2 If InStr(Page2, "Invoice No:") < 1 Or InStr(InvoiceData.GetText, "Job Type") < 1 Then MsgBox "An Error occured, keywords 'Invoice No:' and 'Job Type' missing. Please copy and paste invoice data manually." Exit Sub End If Page2 = Split(Page2, "Job Type", , vbTextCompare) 'Extract Invoice No. InvoiceNo = Split(Page2(0), "Invoice No:", , vbTextCompare)(1) InvoiceNo = VBA.Replace(InvoiceNo, Chr(10), "") InvoiceNo = VBA.Replace(InvoiceNo, Chr(13), "") InvoiceNo = Trim(InvoiceNo) 'Extract Invoice Table InvoiceTable = Split(Page2(1), Chr(13), , vbTextCompare) 'On Error GoTo Error_InvoiceNo 'Check destination for pasting For Each Cell In Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(UBound(InvoiceTable) - 1, 5)) If IsEmpty(Cell) = False Or Cell.MergeCells = True Then MsgBox "Please make sure you selected the right cell for pasting invoice data, the destination range is empty and doesn't contain merged cells." Exit Sub End If Next Cell 'Paste Data On Error GoTo Error_PasteData For i = 1 To UBound(InvoiceTable) 'get next row Row = VBA.Replace(InvoiceTable(i), Chr(10), "") Row = VBA.Replace(Row, "-", "0") Row = Split(Row, " ", , vbTextCompare) 'stop data pasting if end of data core is reached If InStr(Row(0), "SUM") > 0 Then Exit For 'paste data row ActiveCell.Value = InvoiceNo If InStr(Row(0), "Fixed") > 0 Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Join(Array(Row(0), Row(1))) ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = CDbl(Row(3)) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Else ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Row(0) ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Join(Array(Row(1), Row(2))) ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = CDbl(Row(3)) ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = CDbl(Row(5)) ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = CDbl(Row(7)) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select End If Next i On Error GoTo 0 'Error message in case of data pasting error If blnError_PasteData Then MsgBox "An Error occured. Please fill in missing data manually." End If Exit Sub 'Error handling Error_PasteData: blnError_PasteData = True Resume Next End Sub Module 3: Sub Compare_Consumption_Invoice_Overview() Dim CompareRange As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant, rowOffset As Variant, colOffset As Variant ' Set CompareRange equal to the range to which you will ' compare the selection. (Invoices Table) If Selection.Rows(1).Row < 26 Then Set CompareRange = Range("C44:N81") rowOffset = -1 'First row starts at 2 colOffset = -2 'First column is C Else Set CompareRange = Range("C2:N39") rowOffset = -29 ' First row starts from 30 colOffset = -2 'First column is C End If ' NOTE: If the compare range is located on another workbook ' or worksheet, use the following syntax. ' Set CompareRange = Workbooks("Book2"). _ ' Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C1:C5") ' ' Loop through each cell in the selection and compare it to ' corresponding cell in CompareRange. Dim correspondingCell As Range For Each x In Selection Set correspondingCell = CompareRange.Cells(x.Row + rowOffset, x.Column + colOffset) 'MsgBox x.Value & " ... " & correspondingCell.Value If Int(x) = Int(correspondingCell.Value) Then ' Int(12.04) returns 12. Better for comparison x.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 correspondingCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Else x.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 correspondingCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 End If Next x End Sub Vielen Dank im Voraus Beste Grüße, ButterFly

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Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot VBA in Excel - Das Datum aktualisieren
14.02.2018 10:35:09 ButterFly
14.02.2018 10:50:06 Werner
14.02.2018 11:35:11 Gast70117