Hab es mal bei mir nachgebaut und es läuft, Code in Sheet8:
Achtung (hab ich noch nicht erwähnt): Wenn du in der Liste neue Einträge vornimmst verschieben sich dadurch die Zelladdressen, was wiederum dann sich auf die Namen der Frames und Checkboxes auswirkt (zeigt dann auf die falsche Zelle).
Darum musst du nach einer Änderung (hinzufügen / entfernen von Spalten / Zeilen) mit RemoveSubcategories alle Placketten entfernen und dann mit MakeSureSubcategoriesExists neu erstellen lassen.
'| name: mdlSubcatFuncs
'| purpose: handling subcategories
'| ------------------------------------
'| history:
'| * 2014-05-20 created
Option Explicit
Private Const SC_MODULE_NAME As String = "mdlSubcatFuncs"
' Präfixe für das Element "Unterkategorie"
Private Const SC_FRM_PREFIX As String = "scF_"
Private Const SC_CHK_PREFIX As String = "scC_"
' Angaben über Datenquelle und Zielort (Visualisierungsort) der Elemente "Unterkategorie"
Private Const SC_WKS_SRC_NAME As String = "Lists"
Private Const SC_WKS_SRC_1ST_CELLADDRESS As String = "D3"
Private Const SC_WKS_DST_NAME As String = "Checklist Structure"
Private Const SC_WKS_DATATABLE_NAME As String = "Risk Category Checklist"
' Angaben zur Positionierung der Elemente "Unterkategorie"
Private Const SC_FRM_ANCHOR_LEFT As Single = 211.5
Private Const SC_FRM_ANCHOR_TOP As Single = 276.4688
Private Const SC_FRM_MARGIN_TOP As Single = 29.2243
' Abmaße des Elements "Unterkategorie"
Private Const SC_FRM_WIDTH As Single = 160.5
Private Const SC_FRM_HEIGHT As Single = 19.5
' Abmaße des Kontrollkästchen zum jeweiligen Element "Unterkategorie"
Private Const SC_CHK_WIDTH As Single = 13.2
Private Const SC_CHK_HEIGHT As Single = 13.8
' Hintergrundfarben für das Element "Unterkategorie"
Private Const SC_FRM_RGB_STATE1 As Long = &HFFFFFF ' ? "&H" & Hex$(RGB(255, 255, 255))
Private Const SC_FRM_RGB_STATE2 As Long = &H99FFFF ' ? "&H" & Hex$(RGB(255, 255, 153))
Public Sub RemoveSubcategories()
Dim shp As Excel.Shape
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SC_WKS_DST_NAME)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each shp In .Shapes
If Left$(shp.Name, Len(SC_FRM_PREFIX)) = SC_FRM_PREFIX Then
Call shp.Delete
ElseIf Left$(shp.Name, Len(SC_CHK_PREFIX)) = SC_CHK_PREFIX Then
Call shp.Delete
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
Public Sub MakeSureSubcategoriesExists()
Dim rngSubcats As Excel.Range
Dim rngSubcatCol As Excel.Range
Dim rngSubcatCell As Excel.Range
Dim blnSuccess As Boolean
Dim blnSU As Boolean
blnSU = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SC_WKS_SRC_NAME)
Set rngSubcats = .Range(SC_WKS_SRC_1ST_CELLADDRESS).CurrentRegion
Set rngSubcats = .Range(.Range(SC_WKS_SRC_1ST_CELLADDRESS), rngSubcats.Cells(rngSubcats.Cells.Count))
End With
blnSuccess = True
For Each rngSubcatCol In rngSubcats.Columns
For Each rngSubcatCell In rngSubcatCol.Cells
Select Case Trim$(rngSubcatCell.Text)
Case "", "not sorted yet"
Exit For 'Each rngSubcatCell
Case Else
If Not SubcategoryExists(rngSubcatCell) Then
If Not CreateSubcategory(rngSubcatCell) Then
blnSuccess = False
End If
End If
End Select
If blnSuccess Then
Call MsgBox("Alle Unterkategorieren sind vorhanden bzw. wurden erstellt.", _
vbInformation, _
"Vorgang abgeschlossen")
Call MsgBox("Einige Unterkategorien konnten nicht erstellt werden.", _
vbExclamation, _
"Vorgang abgeschlossen")
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = blnSU
Exit Sub
Call MsgBox(Err.Description, vbCritical, "Fehler " & Err.Number)
GoTo SafeExit
End Sub
Public Sub RefreshSubcategoryCheckBoxAll()
Dim shp As Excel.Shape
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SC_WKS_DST_NAME)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each shp In .Shapes
If Left$(shp.Name, Len(SC_CHK_PREFIX)) = SC_CHK_PREFIX Then
Call RefreshSubcategoryCheckBox(shp.OLEFormat.Object)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
'// check/uncheck checkbox for existing entries in "Risk Category Checklist"
Public Sub SubcategoryCheckBox_Click()
Dim shpCheckBox As Excel.Shape
Dim strChkCaption As String
Dim blnSU As Boolean
blnSU = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Select Case TypeName(Application.Caller)
Case "String": Set shpCheckBox = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller)
Case Else: GoTo SafeExit
End Select
If Not shpCheckBox.Type = msoFormControl Then Exit Sub
If Not shpCheckBox.FormControlType = xlCheckBox Then Exit Sub
Call RefreshSubcategoryCheckBox(shpCheckBox.OLEFormat.Object)
Application.ScreenUpdating = blnSU
Exit Sub
Call MsgBox(Err.Description, vbCritical, "Fehler " & Err.Number)
GoTo SafeExit
End Sub
'// assign filter in "Risk Category Checklist" by clicked subcategory's text
Public Sub SubcategoryFrame_Click()
Dim rngAutoFilter As Excel.Range
Dim shpSubcat As Excel.Shape
Dim strShapeText As String
Dim blnSU As Boolean
blnSU = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Select Case TypeName(Application.Caller)
Case "String": Set shpSubcat = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller)
Case Else: GoTo SafeExit
End Select
strShapeText = Trim$(shpSubcat.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text)
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SC_WKS_DATATABLE_NAME)
'get/set range of AutoFilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
Set rngAutoFilter = .AutoFilter.Range
Call .Range(.Cells(5, "B"), .Cells(5, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)).AutoFilter
Set rngAutoFilter = .AutoFilter.Range
End If
End With
If ToggleShapeColor(shpSubcat) = SC_FRM_RGB_STATE2 Then
'set/modify filter for subcategory
Call ModifyFilter(rngAutoFilter, 6, strShapeText)
Else 'Unfilter
'set/modify filter for subcategory
Call ModifyFilter(rngAutoFilter, 6, strShapeText, mdaRemove)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = blnSU
Exit Sub
Call MsgBox(Err.Description, vbCritical, "Fehler " & Err.Number)
GoTo SafeExit
End Sub
Private Function SubcategoryExists(SubcategoryCell As Excel.Range) As Boolean
Dim shp As Excel.Shape
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SC_WKS_DST_NAME)
Set shp = .Shapes(SC_FRM_PREFIX & SubcategoryCell.Address(False, False))
Set shp = .Shapes(SC_CHK_PREFIX & SubcategoryCell.Address(False, False))
End With
SubcategoryExists = True
Exit Function
' GetSubcategory = False
End Function
Private Sub RefreshSubcategoryCheckBox(CheckBox As Object)
Dim rngSubcategoryCol As Excel.Range
Dim rngResult As Excel.Range
Dim strFind As String
strFind = Mid$(CheckBox.Name, Len(SC_CHK_PREFIX) + 1)
strFind = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SC_WKS_SRC_NAME).Range(strFind).Text
Set rngSubcategoryCol = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SC_WKS_DATATABLE_NAME).Columns("G")
Set rngResult = rngSubcategoryCol.Find(strFind, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
CheckBox.Value = Not (rngResult Is Nothing)
End Sub
Private Function CreateSubcategory(SubcategoryCell As Excel.Range) As Boolean
Dim rngFirstSubCatCell As Excel.Range
Dim shpFrame As Excel.Shape
Dim shpChk As Excel.Shape
Set rngFirstSubCatCell = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SC_WKS_SRC_NAME).Range(SC_WKS_SRC_1ST_CELLADDRESS)
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SC_WKS_DST_NAME).Shapes
Set shpFrame = .AddShape(MsoAutoShapeType.msoShapeRoundedRectangle, _
Left:=SC_FRM_ANCHOR_LEFT * (1! + (SubcategoryCell.Column - rngFirstSubCatCell.Column)), _
Top:=SC_FRM_ANCHOR_TOP + SC_FRM_MARGIN_TOP * (SubcategoryCell.Row - rngFirstSubCatCell.Row), _
Width:=SC_FRM_WIDTH, _
With shpFrame
.Name = SC_FRM_PREFIX & SubcategoryCell.Address(False, False) 'Replace$(.Name, " ", "")
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = rgbWhite
With .TextFrame2
.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorCenter
.TextRange.Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = rgbBlack
.TextRange.Text = Trim$(SubcategoryCell.Text)
End With
.OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!" & Me.CodeName & ".SubcategoryFrame_Click"
End With
'Positions- und Größenangabe sind hier "sinnlos", aber notwendig
Set shpChk = .AddFormControl(XlFormControl.xlCheckBox, _
Left:=0, _
Top:=0, _
Width:=0, _
With shpChk
.Name = SC_CHK_PREFIX & SubcategoryCell.Address(False, False) 'Replace$(.Name, " ", "")
With .OLEFormat.Object
.Caption = "" 'Trim$(SubcategoryCell.Text)
.Left = shpFrame.Left + 2!
.Top = shpFrame.Top + (shpFrame.Height - SC_CHK_WIDTH) / 2!
End With
.OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!" & Me.CodeName & ".SubcategoryCheckBox_Click"
End With
Call RefreshSubcategoryCheckBox(shpChk.OLEFormat.Object)
End With
CreateSubcategory = True
End Function
'// Change shape color on click in sheet "Checklist Structure"
Private Function ToggleShapeColor(Shape As Excel.Shape) As Long
With Shape.Fill.ForeColor
End If
ToggleShapeColor = .RGB
End With
End Function
'Option Explicit
'Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
''Whenever the sheet "Lists" is changed, the name list for the checkboxes is refreshed
'Application.EnableEvents = False
'Dim nZeile As Integer
'Dim vSpalte As Integer
'Dim vZeile As Integer
'Dim nSpalte As Integer
'Dim vSheet As String
'Dim nSheet As String
'vSheet = "Lists"
'nSheet = "Lists" 'Target sheet
'nZeile = 1 'Target row
'nSpalte = 18 'Target column
'For vSpalte = 4 To 7 'Relevant entries for the refreshed list
' For vZeile = 3 To Sheets(vSheet).Cells(65536, vSpalte).End(xlUp).Row
' Sheets(nSheet).Cells(nZeile, nSpalte) = Sheets(vSheet).Cells(vZeile, vSpalte)
' nZeile = nZeile + 1
' Next
''Execute subs below
'Application.EnableEvents = True
'Exit Sub
'End Sub
'Private Sub DeleteCells()
''removes "not sorted yet" as a subcategory for naming checkboxes
' Dim c As Range
' Dim SrchRng
' Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
' Set ws = Worksheets("Lists")
' Set SrchRng = ws.Range("R1", ws.Range("R65536").End(xlUp))
' Do
' Set c = SrchRng.Find("not sorted yet", LookIn:=xlValues)
' If Not c Is Nothing Then c.Delete
' Loop While Not c Is Nothing
'End Sub
'Private Sub RenameCheckBox()
''Automatically refresh checkbox names from defined list
' Dim rngNames As Excel.Range
' Dim shp As Excel.Shape
' Dim i As Long
' On Error GoTo ErrHandler
''Hidden column with list of names (all subcategories)
' Set rngNames = Worksheets("Lists").Range("R:R")
' With Worksheets("Checklist Structure")
' For Each shp In .Shapes
' If shp.Type = msoFormControl Then
' If shp.FormControlType = xlCheckBox Then
' If i < rngNames.Cells.Count Then
' i = i + 1
' Debug.Print Format$(i, "000") & ": " & shp.OLEFormat.Object.Name & " => " & rngNames.Cells(i).Value
' shp.OLEFormat.Object.Name = rngNames.Cells(i).Value
' Else
' Exit For 'exit because no names left
' End If
' End If
' End If
' Next
' End With
'Exit Sub
' Call MsgBox(Err.Description, vbCritical, "Fehler " & Err.Number)
'End Sub
'Private Sub DeleteBlanks()
'Dim ws As Worksheet
'Set ws = Worksheets("Lists")
'ws.Range("D2:P50").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete Shift:=xlUp
'End Sub