Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot Copy Values from one cell to another if condition is fulfilled
25.03.2024 13:13:16 VIVEK
25.03.2024 13:38:30 ralf_b
25.03.2024 13:40:04 Gast83184
25.03.2024 13:47:30 ralf_b

Ansicht des Beitrags:
25.03.2024 13:13:16
Rating: Antwort:
Copy Values from one cell to another if condition is fulfilled

Please help me to write excel vba code:
i am using example for explanation purpose:
1. Consider an Excel workbook with multiple sheets. In the "VBASheet" sheet, we have data like this:
|   A      |     B    |         C           |      D    |      E    |     F    |     G   |
| 1         | KW 15 | A1 SB-27 |    A1     |              |            |           |
| 2        | KW15 | A3 SB-38 | A3 SB |              |          |            |
| 3         | KW15 | A3 SE-38 | A3 Lim |           |          |             |
|              |              |                     |                |            |          |            |

In "VBASheet" sheet, go through Column D. If a sheet name is found in Column D, we'll retrieve values from Columns B and C in that row. (if "A1" Sheet is found in workbook then retrieve values from Column B and C in that row, here value in Cell B="KW 15" and value in Cell C="A1 SB-27")

Before running VBA Code:

Sheet "A1":
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   D   |   E   |   F   I
| Data1 | A1 SB-27 | KW15| KW16 | Jan | KW17 |
| Data4 | Value2 | Sheet1| Data5 | Dat6 | 11 I
| Data7 | Value3 | Sheet2| Data8 | Dat9 | 12 I
| Data1 | Value1 | Sheet3| Data2 | Dat3 | 13 I
| Data4 | Value2 | Sheet4| Da5 | Daa6 | 14 I
| Data7 | Value3 | Sheet1| Data8 | Dat9 | 15 I

Next, we'll search for the value in Cell C in the corresponding sheet (so we look for "A1 SB-27" in Sheet "A1"). If "A1 SB-27" is found in Cell B2 in Sheet "A1" then in the same row look for "KW15" which was cell value in Column B in "VBASheet" Sheet. When both condition is fulfilled then offset by (1,0) -> to give cell D2 in this example and check if this cell includes "KW" as value in it. Here when we offset by (1,0) to "KW15" in "A1" Sheet than cell value is "KW16", which includes "KW" in it. then offset by (1,0) to "KW16" (CEll D2) and copy value of this cell D2 ("Sheet1") in cell which is located (3,0) to it. So copy "Sheet1" and replace "Sheet4" by "Sheet1", continue this loop by moving (1,0) to cell D2 now which is Cell E2 ("Jan") and check if cell E2 includes "KW" if yes then below above copy operation and if not then again move (1,0) to cell E2...  

After running VBA Code:   
Sheet "A1":
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   D   |   E   |   F   I
| Data1 | A1 SB-27 | KW15 | KW16 I Jan | KW17 |
| Data4 | Value2 | Sheet1 | Data5 | Dat6 | 11 I
| Data7 | Value3 | Sheet2 | Data8 | Dat9 | 12 I
| Data1 | Value1 | Sheet3 | Data2 | Dat3 | 13 I
| Data4 | Value2 | Sheet4 | Data5 | Daa6 | 11 I
| Data7 | Value3 | Sheet1 | Data8 | Dat9 | 15 I

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Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot Copy Values from one cell to another if condition is fulfilled
25.03.2024 13:13:16 VIVEK
25.03.2024 13:38:30 ralf_b
25.03.2024 13:40:04 Gast83184
25.03.2024 13:47:30 ralf_b