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26.11.2013 21:31:16 Daniel

Ansicht des Beitrags:
26.11.2013 21:31:16
Rating: Antwort:
Automatisch aktualisieren

Hallo Community!

Also ich bin ein absoluter anfänger was VBA angeht. Ich habe zwar vor jahren mit HTML und PHP herum experimentiert aber das war es auch schon. Also zu meinem Problem ich Arbeite als CNC Techniker in einer Tischlerei. CNC Mschiene: BIESSE ROVER C9.65, Mit dem Prog. NC Hops 6,x.

Ich habe herrausgefunden dass ich mit dem SCRIPTDIALOGEDITOR ( Der bei Nc Hops mitgelifert wurde ) Dialoge ertsllen kann mit dem ich eine Eingabemaske für die Geschrieben Makros für meine CNC Maschiene erstellen kann.

Soweit so gut. Grösstenteils habe ich es auch hinbekommen :) doch sind doch einige fehler drinn die ich einfach nicht hinbekomme...

z.b. Wenn ich bei der DROPBOX "Bänder" TECTUS 340 3D auswähle sollen rechts 4 Textfelder erscheinen damit ich die 4 bandpositionen benutzen kann. Funktioniert auch doch wenn ich dann z.b. einen Opion button benutze verschwinden die textfelder wieder und ich muss bei der Dropbox erneut TECTUS 340 3d auswählen... Nja hier die codes Ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen !

p.s. Die Global.bas ist schon vorgefertigt was genau die beinhaltet kann ich als "leie" nicht beureteilen^^






Option Explicit
'#uses "globalDialog.bas"

Sub Main

   Dim tuerart$(5)
         tuerart$(0)="Innentür ÖNORM"
         tuerart$(1)="Schallschutz ÖNORM"
         tuerart$(2)="Brandschutz ÖNORM"
         tuerart$(3)="Stahlzarge ÖNORM"
         tuerart$(4)="Stahlzarge Peneder"
         tuerart$(5)="Bündig Tür ÖNORM"
   Dim schlosskasten$(2)
         schlosskasten$(1)="Keycard XS4"
     Dim baendersys$(4)
         baendersys$(0)="SFS 2Stk"
         baendersys$(1)="SFS 3Stk"
         baendersys$(2)="SFS 4Stk"
         baendersys$(4)="Tectus 340 3D"

     Dim schlo_fraeser$(1)
     Dim bohrer$(1)

     Dim brandschutzstreifen$(2)


	Begin Dialog UserDialog 1232,432,"Türen-Editor 2013",.dialogfunc ' %GRID:4,4,1,1

		GroupBox 20,288,548,80,"Zusätze",.GroupBox5
		GroupBox 20,224,548,60,"Bänder",.GroupBox4
		GroupBox 16,8,552,96,"Tür Format",.GroupBox3
		GroupBox 20,104,548,116,"Schlosskasten",.GroupBox2
		GroupBox 584,224,284,68,"Tectus 340 3D",.GroupBox1

		Text 576,416,116,16,"..::Version 1.0::..",.Text4
		Text 1072,416,156,12,"Created by D.Stubenvoll",.Text15

		Text 352,132,24,16,"mm",.Text19
		Text 476,60,24,16,"mm",.Text17
		Text 28,32,144,68,"Türen Art:",.Text1
		Text 168,128,96,16,"Drückerhöhe:",.Text2
		Text 168,152,80,16,"Dornmaß:",.Text3
		Text 232,236,84,16,"Abstand:",.Text5
		Text 236,256,48,16,"Bohrer:",.Text7
		Text 152,56,48,16,"Länge:",.Text11
		Text 152,80,44,16,"Breite:",.Text12
		Text 316,80,52,16,"+48mm",.Text14
		Text 372,56,44,16,"Dicke:",.Text13
		Text 352,156,24,12,"mm",.Text16
		Text 168,176,92,16,"Fräser:",.Text9
		Text 28,56,92,16,"Stocklichte:",.Text10
		Text 316,56,48,16,"+20mm",.Text6
		Text 592,248,56,16,"Band 1:",.Text8
		Text 592,272,52,16,"Band 2:",.Text18
		Text 728,248,52,16,"Band 3:",.Text20
		Text 728,272,52,16,"Band 4:",.Text21

		TextBox 264,124,84,20,.VAR_dh
		TextBox 264,148,84,20,.VAR_dm
		TextBox 424,52,48,20,.VAR_Dicke
		TextBox 216,52,96,20,.VAR_Laenge
		TextBox 216,76,96,20,.VAR_Breite
		TextBox 648,244,76,20,.VAR_tec3403d_1
		TextBox 648,268,76,20,.VAR_tec3403d_2
		TextBox 784,244,76,20,.VAR_tec3403d_3
		TextBox 784,268,76,20,.VAR_tec3403d_4

		DropListBox 104,28,252,20,tuerart(),.VAR_tuerart
		DropListBox 44,128,120,20,schlosskasten(),.VAR_Schlosskasten
		DropListBox 36,248,176,20,baendersys(),.VAR_Baendersys
		DropListBox 264,172,84,20,schlo_fraeser(),.VAR_schlo_fraeser
		DropListBox 292,252,116,20,bohrer(),.VAR_bohrer
		DropListBox 196,344,80,20,brandschutzstreifen(),.VAR_Brandschutzstreifen

		Picture 960,8,264,192,bmppath+"schall_brand_falz.bmp",0,.Picture1

		CheckBox 44,308,100,16,"Fasen",.VAR_fasen
		CheckBox 44,324,84,20,"Schallex",.VAR_schallex
		CheckBox 44,192,140,16,"Rosetten Bohrung",.VAR_ros
		CheckBox 44,344,152,16,"Brandschutzstreifen",.VAR_brandstreifen

		OptionGroup .VAR_ohwcbbpz
			OptionButton 44,168,60,16,"WC",.WC
			OptionButton 44,148,68,20,"PZ/BB",.PZ

		OptionGroup .VAR_streif_anschlag
			OptionButton 368,28,72,16,"Streiftür",.Streif
			OptionButton 444,28,100,16,"Anschlagtür",.Anschlag

		OptionGroup .VAR_oben_unten
			OptionButton 384,124,64,16,"Unten",.Unten
			OptionButton 452,124,60,16,"Oben",.Oben

		OptionGroup .VAR_band_abst
			OptionButton 296,236,64,12,"32mm",.abst32
			OptionButton 368,236,68,12,"47mm",.abst47
		OptionGroup .VAR_reli
			OptionButton 376,84,68,16,"Rechts",.OptionButton1
			OptionButton 452,84,60,16,"Links",.Links

		OKButton 552,388,56,24,.OKPBModal 'For esc and Alt+F4 function
		PushButton 12,384,120,32,"OKPB",.OKPB
		PushButton 344,388,100,24,"AddPB",.AddPB
		PushButton 448,388,100,24,"InsertPB",.InsertPB
		PushButton 136,388,100,24,"CancelPB",.CancelPB
		PushButton 240,388,100,24,"DefaultPB",.DefaultPB


	End Dialog

	Dim dlg As UserDialog

    Dialog dlg,ReturnButton
End Sub

'Call in Sub main if you don't use DLL call (for testing)
Sub DebugInit

    'Set Insertposition in Editor
    'Set input parameter empty or not new macro or edit a macro
    'Picture for dialog
    'Info for Dialog
End Sub

'***************************** Initialization of Extented vars**********************
Sub InitializeDialogDlgFunctionExtented
Dim StartStr As Variant
	'Fieldname is the name after the . in a dialogline
	'DlgValue("Fieldname",Value)  for groupbox, Checkbox, DropListBox
    'DlgText("Fieldname",Text)    for Textbox

End Sub

'***************************** SetStartValue (from Hops) of Extented vars**********************
Sub SetStartVarValuesExtented
Dim StartStr As Variant
'Fieldname is the name after the . in a dialogline
'Varname is the Varname of the variable in the hop-macro
'Dim StartStr As Variant
	'DlgValue("Fieldname",Value)  for groupbox, Checkbox, DropListBox
	'DlgText("Fieldname",Text)    for Textbox
'	If StartStr="5" Then
'		DlgValue("VAR_POS",5)
'	End If
'    switch_picture
'####################################DROPBOX LISTEN AUS HOPS###############################
	'DropListBox VAR_tuerart
Select Case DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name("tuerart")
	Case "6"'Zeile 6
	Case "5"'Zeile 5
	Case "4"'Zeile 4
	Case "3"'Zeile 3
	Case "2" 'Zeile 2
	Case Else'Zeile 1
End Select
	'DropListBox VAR_Schlosskasten
Select Case DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name("schlosskasten")
	Case "3"'Zeile 3
	Case "2" 'Zeile 2
	Case Else'Zeile 1
End Select
	'DropListBox VAR_baendersys
Select Case DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name("baendersys")
	Case "5" 'Zeile 5
	Case "4" 'Zeile 4
	Case "3" 'Zeile 3
	Case "2" 'Zeile 2
	Case Else'Zeile 1 
End Select

'DropListBox VAR_schlo_fraeser
Select Case DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name("schlo_fraeser")
	Case "2" 'Zeile 2
	Case Else 'Zeile 1 
End Select

'DropListBox VAR_bohrer
Select Case DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name("bohrer")
	Case "2" 'Zeile 2
	Case Else 'Zeile 1
End Select

'DropListBox VAR_brandschutzstreifen
Select Case DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name("brandschutzstreifen")
	Case "3"'Zeile 1 
	Case "2" 'Zeile 2
	Case Else'Zeile 1
End Select
End Sub

'***************************** SetDefaultValue (From Hop-macro) of Extented vars**********************
Sub	SetDefaultVarValuesExtented

'Fieldname is the name after the . in a dialogline
'Varname is the Varname of the variable in the hop-macro
'Before you set the value check is the Textbox (for example) empty or not
'Dim StartStr As Variant
	'DlgValue("Fieldname",Value)  for groupbox, Checkbox, DropListBox
	'DlgText("Fieldname",Text)    for Textbox
End Sub

'***************************** Check Inputs of Extented vars**********************
Function AllDialogInputsOKExtented
'Fieldname is the name after the . in a dialogline
	'DlgValue("Fieldname",Value)  for groupbox, Checkbox, DropListBox
	'DlgText("Fieldname",Text)    for Textbox
	'Check if all Inputfiels with var information are correct
	'For example a emty textbox is not correct
End Function

'***************************** SetBackValue (To Hops) of Extented vars**********************
Sub SetBackVarValuesExtented
Dim value As Integer

'Fieldname is the name after the . in a dialogline
'Varname is the Varname of the variable in the hop-macro
	'Value=DlgValue("Fieldname",Value)  for groupbox, Checkbox, DropListBox
	'Value=DlgText("Fieldname",Text)    for Textbox
'	value=DlgValue("var_anschlagreihe",value)
'	If value=2 Then
'       DialogInfo_SetVarValue_Name("AnschlagReihe",0)
'    End If

'####################################DROPBOX LISTEN ZU HOPS################################

'DropListBox VAR_tuerart
Select Case DlgValue("Var_tuerart",value)
	Case 5'Zeile 6
	Case 4'Zeile 5
	Case 3'Zeile 4
	Case 2'Zeile 3 
	Case 1'Zeile 2
	Case Else'Zeile 1
End Select
    'DropListBox VAR_Schlosskasten
Select Case DlgValue("Var_Schlosskasten",value)
	Case 2'Zeile 3 
	Case 1'Zeile 2
	Case Else'Zeile 1
End Select

    'DropListBox VAR_baendersys
Select Case DlgValue("Var_baendersys",value)
	Case 4'Zeile 5
	Case 3'Zeile 4
	Case 2'Zeile 3
	Case 1'Zeile 2
	Case Else 'Zeile 1
End Select

    'DropListBox VAR_Schlo_fraeser
Select Case DlgValue("Var_Schlo_fraeser",value)
	Case 1'Zeile 2
	Case Else 'Zeile 1
End Select

    'DropListBox VAR_bohrer
Select Case DlgValue("Var_bohrer",value)
	Case 1'Zeile 2
	Case Else 'Zeile 1
End Select

    'DropListBox VAR_Brandschutzstreifen
Select Case DlgValue("Var_Brandschutzstreifen",value)
	Case 2'Zeile 2
	Case 1'Zeile 2
	Case Else 'Zeile 1
End Select

End Sub

'***************************** Define all Action ***********************************
Sub dialogfuncExtented(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&)
	Select Case Action%
	Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization

			If Not DialogInfo_GetValueListIsEmpty Then
			End If
	Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
		Rem dialogfunc = True ' Prevent button press from closing the dialog box
'			If UCase(DlgItem) = "VAR_POS" Then
'				switch_picture
'			End If

		'TEXT 6 Switch ##################################
	If DlgItem$ = "VAR_streif_anschlag" Then
	End If
		'Brandschutz Switch Dropbox #####################
	If DlgItem$ = "VAR_brandstreifen" Then
	End If
		'Tectus 340 3D Band Switch ######################

    If DlgItem$ = "VAR_Baendersys" Then
	End If
	Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed
	Case 4 ' Focus changed
	Case 5 ' Idle
		Rem dialogfunc = True ' Continue getting idle actions
	Case 6 ' Function key
	End Select
End Sub

Rem See DialogFunc help topic for more information.
Private Function dialogfunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
	Call dialogfuncExtented(DlgItem,Action,SuppValue)
End Function

		'TEXT 6 Switch ##################################
Function switch_text6
    Select Case DlgValue("VAR_streif_anschlag")
	Case 0
		DlgText "Text6","+20mm"
	Case 1
		DlgText "Text6","+40mm"
    Case Else
	End Select
End Function
		'Brandschutzstreifen Switch #####################

Function switch_brandschutz
	If DlgValue ("VAR_brandstreifen",1) Then 'nur wenn gecheckt ist
	End If
End Function
		'Tectus 340 3D Band Switch ######################

Function switch_tectus340
    Select Case DlgValue("VAR_Baendersys")
	Case 4
	Case Else
	End Select
End Function





'29.06.2001 wurde um Texteingabe für Strings ergänzt
'27.08.2001 Dropdownlistanzahl wurde auf 20 erweitert
'Fehler bei Zugriff auf Nummer >=10 wurde geändert
'Werkzeugverwaltung wird aus Basicerweiterung ausgelesen 14.05.2002
'Es müssen die aktuellsten DLL und EXE installiert sein
Option Explicit

Type TDropListBoxInfo
  DropListBoxArrayNames As String
  DropListBoxArrayValues As String
  NameCount As Long
End Type

'*************************************  constants  *********************************

Const pi = 3.14159265358979
'Separate Char for Parameter (xx;yy;zz)
Const SepStr = ";"
'"Var_"+ToolVarName Is the key For a tool variable
Const ToolVarName = "Tool"

'*************************************  Variables  *********************************
' global name of the actual script
Global script_name As String
Global language_file As String
Global StringFormDateiName As String

Global TLFResult As Integer

'Save the Caption of the Dialog
Global DialogCaption As Variant
'In this StringList are all Tools saved in this structure: BoxNo+" "+Toolname
'In Hops.ini are the Tooltable name. In this list there are all tool from this tooltable
'You can get it with extented Basic functions
Global ToolSLNo As Long
'Use this Toolarray list (contens the same as the stringlist ToolSLNo) in a DropListBox
Global Toollists$()
'In this list are all Checkboxnames with "VAR_" saved
Global CBNameListNo As Long
'In this list is the situation of a Checkbox saved. If there is no action on a Checkbox
'the value is '-1'. So you can use this value to decide if you can set a default value or not
Global CBSituationListNo As Long
'the picture path saved for pictures in the Dialog
Global bmppath As Variant
'the PDF path 
Global PDFpath As Variant
'DropListBox File path
Global DLBFilePath As Variant
'The number of the default button saved. A default button is that one which you push if you press enter key
Global ReturnButton As Long

'       Arrays for Dropdownlists
Global DropListBoxCount As Long
Global DropListBoxInfos() As TDropListBoxInfo
Global DropListBoxArray0$()
Global DropListBoxArray1$()
Global DropListBoxArray2$()
Global DropListBoxArray3$()
Global DropListBoxArray4$()
Global DropListBoxArray5$()
Global DropListBoxArray6$()
Global DropListBoxArray7$()
Global DropListBoxArray8$()
Global DropListBoxArray9$()
Global DropListBoxArray10$()
Global DropListBoxArray11$()
Global DropListBoxArray12$()
Global DropListBoxArray13$()
Global DropListBoxArray14$()
Global DropListBoxArray15$()
Global DropListBoxArray16$()
Global DropListBoxArray17$()
Global DropListBoxArray18$()
Global DropListBoxArray19$()
Global DropListBoxArray20$()
Global DropListBoxArray21$()
Global DropListBoxArray22$()
Global DropListBoxArray23$()
Global DropListBoxArray24$()
Global DropListBoxArray25$()

'       Arrays for Dropdownlists
Global DropListBoxNRCount As Long
Global DropListBoxNRInfos() As Long
Global DropListBoxNRArray0$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray1$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray2$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray3$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray4$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray5$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray6$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray7$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray8$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray9$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray10$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray11$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray12$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray13$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray14$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray15$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray16$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray17$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray18$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray19$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray20$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray21$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray22$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray23$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray24$()
Global DropListBoxNRArray25$()

'       Arrays for Dropdownlists
Global DropListBoxStrCount As Long
Global DropListBoxStrInfos() As Long
Global DropListBoxStrArray0$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray1$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray2$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray3$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray4$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray5$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray6$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray7$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray8$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray9$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray10$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray11$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray12$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray13$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray14$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray15$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray16$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray17$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray18$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray19$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray20$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray21$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray22$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray23$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray24$()
Global DropListBoxStrArray25$()
'**********************************  mathematics mocros ***********************
'change the angle in to the area 0<= A<360°
Function MapA(A)
        MapA = A
        If A < 0 Then
          MapA = A + 360
        End If
        If equal(A, 360) Or A > 360 Then
          MapA = A - 360
        End If
End Function

'true if W1 is equal W2
Function equal(W1, W2)
  equal = Abs(W1 - W2) < 0.00001
End Function

'Special DropListBox for Tool choose
Function IsToolDropListbox(index)
        IsToolDropListbox = (DlgName(index) = "VAR_" + ToolVarName) And ((DlgType(index) = "DropListBox"))
End Function

Function IsDropDownListbox(index)
        IsDropDownListbox = (InStr(AUppercase(DlgName(index)), "VARDDLB_") = 1) And (DlgType(index) = "DropListBox") 'And (GetDDLBIndex(DlgName(index))>=0)
End Function

Function IsDropDownListboxNR(index)
        IsDropDownListboxNR = (InStr(AUppercase(DlgName(index)), "VARDDLBNR_") = 1) And (DlgType(index) = "DropListBox") 'And (GetDDLBIndex(DlgName(index))>=0)
End Function

Function IsDropDownListboxStr(index)
        IsDropDownListboxStr = (InStr(AUppercase(DlgName(index)), "VARDDLBSTR_") = 1) And (DlgType(index) = "DropListBox") 'And (GetDDLBIndex(DlgName(index))>=0)
End Function

Function IsComboboxListboxStr(index)
        IsComboboxListboxStr = (InStr(AUppercase(DlgName(index)), "VARDDLBSTR_") = 1) And (DlgType(index) = "ComboBox") 'And (GetDDLBIndex(DlgName(index))>=0)
End Function

'A Field is automatical used (init, start, default) for an Variable if you name a component with "Var_"
'at first
Function ISVarInput(VarName)
        ISVarInput = (InStr(AUppercase(VarName), "VAR_") = 1) Or (InStr(AUppercase(VarName), "VARDDLB_") = 1) Or (InStr(AUppercase(VarName), "VARDDLBNR_") = 1) Or (InStr(AUppercase(VarName), "VARDDLBSTR_") = 1) Or (InStr(AUppercase(VarName), "VARSTR_") = 1) Or (InStr(AUppercase(VarName), "VARSTRNEW_") = 1)
End Function

Function ISVarInputText(VarName, VarTyp)
        ISVarInputText = (VarTyp = "TextBox") And (InStr(AUppercase(VarName), "VAR_") = 1)
End Function

Function ISVarInputTextStr(VarName, VarTyp)
        ISVarInputTextStr = (VarTyp = "TextBox") And (InStr(AUppercase(VarName), "VARSTR_") = 1)
End Function

Function ISVarInputTextStrNew(VarName, VarTyp)
        ISVarInputTextStrNew = (VarTyp = "TextBox") And (InStr(AUppercase(VarName), "VARSTRNEW_") = 1)
End Function

'Return the number (No) of the string No+" "+String
Function GetBoxNo(ToolStr)
Dim i As Long
        GetBoxNo = ""
        For i = 1 To Len(ToolStr)
                If Mid(ToolStr, i, 1) = " " Then
                Exit For
                        GetBoxNo = GetBoxNo + Mid(ToolStr, i, 1)
                End If

        Next i
End Function

'Set with value the DropDownListbox of index
Sub SetDDLBValue(Value, index, DDLBIndex, NotCheck)
Dim i As Long
Dim pos As Long
Dim DLBInfo As TDropListBoxInfo
Dim Info As String
    pos = -1
    DLBInfo = DropListBoxInfos(DDLBIndex)
        DLBInfo.NameCount = ParamCount(DLBInfo.DropListBoxArrayNames)
        If (DLBInfo.NameCount > 0) And ((DlgValue(index) < 0) Or NotCheck) Then
          For i = 0 To DLBInfo.NameCount - 1 Step 1
            Info = Param(i + 1, DLBInfo.DropListBoxArrayValues)
            If (AUppercase(Info) = AUppercase(Value)) Then
              pos = i
              Exit For
            End If
      Next i
    End If
    If ((DlgValue(index) < 0) Or NotCheck) Then
    End If
End Sub

'Return the Hopsvalue of a DropDownListbox
Function GetDDLBValue(index, DDLBIndex)
Dim i As Long
Dim DLBInfo As TDropListBoxInfo
    GetDDLBValue = 0
    DLBInfo = DropListBoxInfos(index)
        DLBInfo.NameCount = ParamCount(DLBInfo.DropListBoxArrayNames)
        If (DDLBIndex >= 0) And (DDLBIndex < DLBInfo.NameCount) Then
            GetDDLBValue = Param(DDLBIndex + 1, DLBInfo.DropListBoxArrayValues)
    End If
End Function

'Set with value the DropDownListboxNR of index
Sub SetDDLBNRValue(Value, index, DDLBIndex, NotCheck)
Dim i As Long
Dim DLBNRArray$()
Dim pos As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim Info As String
    pos = -1
    Count = DropListBoxNRInfos(DDLBIndex)
    Call GetDropListBoxNRArray(DDLBIndex,DLBNRArray)
        If (Count > 0) And ((DlgValue(index) < 0) Or NotCheck) Then
          For i = 0 To Count - 1 Step 1
            Info = Param(2, DLBNRArray(i))
            If (AUppercase(Info) = AUppercase(Value)) Then
              pos = i
              Exit For
            End If
      Next i
    End If
    If ((DlgValue(index) < 0) Or NotCheck) Then
    End If
End Sub

'Return the Hopsvalue of a DropDownListboxNR
Function GetDDLBNRValue(index, DDLBIndex)
Dim i As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim DLBNRArray$()
    GetDDLBNRValue = 0
    Count = DropListBoxNRInfos(index)
'    MsgBox(DDLBIndex+" "+Count)
    Call GetDropListBoxNRArray(index,DLBNRArray)
'        MsgBox("1:"+Param(2, DLBNRArray(DDLBIndex)))
        If (DDLBIndex >= 0) And (DDLBIndex < Count) Then
            GetDDLBNRValue = Param(2, DLBNRArray(DDLBIndex))
'        MsgBox("2:"+Param(2, DLBNRArray(DDLBIndex)))
    End If
'        MsgBox("3:"+GetDDLBNRValue)
End Function

'Set with value the DropDownListboxStr of index
Sub SetDDLBStrValue(Value, index, DDLBIndex, NotCheck)
Dim i As Long
Dim DLBStrArray$()
Dim pos As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim Info As String
    pos = -1
    Count = DropListBoxStrInfos(DDLBIndex)
    Call GetDropListBoxStrArray(DDLBIndex,DLBStrArray)
        If (Count > 0) And ((DlgValue(index) < 0) Or NotCheck) Then
          For i = 0 To Count - 1 Step 1
            Info = DLBStrArray(i)
            If (AUppercase(Info) = AUppercase(Value)) Then
              pos = i
              Exit For
            End If
      Next i
    End If
    If ((DlgValue(index) < 0) Or NotCheck) Then
    End If
End Sub

'Return the Hopsvalue of a DropDownListboxStr
Function GetDDLBStrValue(index, DDLBIndex)
Dim i As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim DLBStrArray$()
    GetDDLBStrValue = ""
    Count = DropListBoxStrInfos(index)
'    MsgBox(DDLBIndex+" "+Count)
'    MsgBox(DDLBIndex)
    Call GetDropListBoxStrArray(index,DLBStrArray)
'        MsgBox("1:"+Param(2, DLBStrArray(DDLBIndex)))
        If (DDLBIndex >= 0) And (DDLBIndex < Count) Then
            GetDDLBStrValue = DLBStrArray(DDLBIndex)
'        MsgBox("2:"+Param(2, DLBStrArray(DDLBIndex)))
    End If
'        MsgBox("3:"+GetDDLBStrValue)
End Function

'******************************* String macros **********************************

'delete in S from index count chars
Function delete(S, index, Count)
Dim ns As String
Dim N As Integer
Dim indexpluscount As Integer
  ns = ""
  indexpluscount = index + Count - 1
  For N = 1 To Len(S) Step 1
     If Not ((N >= index) And (N <= indexpluscount)) Then
       ns = ns + Mid(S, N, 1)
     End If
  Next N
  delete = ns
End Function

'xyz;zzz;iii -> Result is the count of separated parameters
Function ParamCount(S)
Dim N As Integer
Dim Count As Integer
 ParamCount = 0
  Count = 0
  S = Trim(S)
  If Len(S) > 0 Then
     For N = 1 To Len(S) Step 1
        If Mid(S, N, 1) = SepStr Then
           Count = Count + 1
        End If
     Next N
     ParamCount = Count + 1
  End If
End Function

'xyz;zzz;iii -> Result is the Parameter at the Position 'nr'
Function Param(NR, S)
Dim Count As Integer
Dim N As Integer
Dim p As Integer
Dim SSave As String
  Count = ParamCount(S)

  If (NR > Count) Or (NR < 1) Then
     Param = ""
     Exit Function
  End If

If Count = 1 Then
     Param = Trim(S)
     Exit Function
  End If

  If NR = 1 Then
     p = InStr(S, SepStr)

     Param = Trim(Mid(S, 1, p - 1))

  ElseIf NR < Count Then
     SSave = S
     For N = 1 To NR - 1 Step 1
        SSave = delete(SSave, 1, InStr(SSave, SepStr))
     Next N

     p = InStr(SSave, SepStr)
     Param = Trim(Mid(SSave, 1, p - 1))

  ElseIf NR = Count Then
     p = InStrRev(S, SepStr)
     Param = Trim(Mid(S, p + 1, Len(S) - p))

  End If
End Function

Function TrimSpecial(chars)
Dim i As Integer
    TrimSpecial = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(chars) Step 1
       If Mid(chars, i, 1) = Chr(0) Then
                Exit For
                TrimSpecial = TrimSpecial + Mid(chars, i, 1)
       End If
    Next i
End Function

'Change all "\" to "/"
Function ChangeBackSashToSlash(chars)
Dim i As Integer
    ChangeBackSashToSlash = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(chars) Step 1
       If Mid(chars, i, 1) = "\" Then
                ChangeBackSashToSlash = ChangeBackSashToSlash + "/"
                ChangeBackSashToSlash = ChangeBackSashToSlash + Mid(chars, i, 1)
       End If
    Next i
End Function

'Return the Filename in which are the language strings are saved
Function GetStringFormDateiName()
   GetStringFormDateiName = IniFileReadStr("Hops.ini", "HOPS", "StrFormDatei", "c:\Hops\StrFormDatei.ini")
End Function

'Return the Filename in which are the language strings for the Dialogscripts
Function GetStringFormDateiName_Dialogscripts()
   GetStringFormDateiName_Dialogscripts = IniFileReadStr("Hops.ini", "LANGUAGE", "LanguageScriptFile", "c:\hops\ScriptLanguage.ini")
End Function

'Return the Filename in which are the language strings are saved
Function GetStringDateiName()
   GetStringDateiName = IniFileReadStr("Hops.ini", "HOPS", "StrDatei", "c:\Hops\StrDatei.ini")
End Function

'Return the String for the OK button
Function GetOKString()
   GetOKString = IniFileReadStr(StringFormDateiName, "FSP_pas", "0", "OK")
End Function

'Return the String for the Cancel button
Function GetCancelString()
   GetCancelString = IniFileReadStr(StringFormDateiName, "FSP_pas", "1", "Cancel")
End Function

'Return the String for the Default button
Function GetDefaultString()
   GetDefaultString = IniFileReadStr(StringFormDateiName, "FSP_pas", "2", "Defaultl")
End Function

'Return the String for the Add button
Function GetAddString()
   GetAddString = IniFileReadStr(StringFormDateiName, "FSP_pas", "3", "Add")
End Function

'Return the String for the Insert button
Function GetInsertString()
   GetInsertString = IniFileReadStr(StringFormDateiName, "FSP_pas", "4", "Insert")
End Function

'language depented function for "Wrong input"
Function GetIncorrect_MSG()
        GetIncorrect_MSG = IniFileReadStr(GetStringDateiName, "Fehlermeldung_pas", "9", "Wrong input") + vbCrLf + IniFileReadStr(GetStringDateiName, "Fehlermeldung_pas", "10", "Correct please")
End Function

'language depented function for "Wrong input"
Function GetIncorrectTextStr()
        GetIncorrectTextStr = IniFileReadStr(GetStringDateiName, "FEinst_pas", "0", "Wrong input") + " (; , ' " + Chr(34) + ")"
End Function

'Read the actual tooldatabase name from the Hops.ini
Function GetActualToolDataName()
  GetActualToolDataName = DialogInfo_GetActualToolData
  'GetActualToolDataName = IniFileReadStr("Hops.ini", "NCERZEUGUNG", "WZGV", "Demo")
End Function

'Return the real VarName "Var_HopsVarName" -> "HopsVarName"
Function GetVarName(VarName)
        GetVarName = Mid(VarName, 5, Len(VarName) - 4)
End Function

'Return the real VarName "Varstr_HopsVarName" -> "HopsVarName"
Function GetVarNameTextStr(VarName)
        GetVarNameTextStr = Mid(VarName, 8, Len(VarName) - 7)
End Function

'Return the real VarName "VarstrNew_HopsVarName" -> "HopsVarName"
Function GetVarNameTextStrNew(VarName)
        GetVarNameTextStrNew = Mid(VarName, 11, Len(VarName) - 10)
End Function

'Return the real VarName "VarDDLB_1_HopsVarName" -> "HopsVarName"
Function GetVarNameDDLB(VarName)
Dim NR As String
        GetVarNameDDLB = Mid(VarName, 9, Len(VarName) - 8)
        NR = GetDDLBIndex(VarName)
        GetVarNameDDLB = Mid(GetVarNameDDLB, Len(NR) + 2, Len(VarName) - (Len(NR) + 2))
End Function

'Return the real VarName "VarDDLBNR_1_HopsVarName" -> "HopsVarName"
Function GetVarNameDDLBNR(VarName)
Dim NR As String
        GetVarNameDDLBNR = Mid(VarName, 11, Len(VarName) - 10)
        NR = GetDDLBNRIndex(VarName)
        GetVarNameDDLBNR = Mid(GetVarNameDDLBNR, Len(NR) + 2, Len(VarName) - (Len(NR) + 2))
End Function

'Return the real VarName "VarDDLBNR_1_HopsVarName" -> "HopsVarName"
Function GetVarNameDDLBStr(VarName)
Dim NR As String
        GetVarNameDDLBStr = Mid(VarName, 12, Len(VarName) - 11)
        NR = GetDDLBStrIndex(VarName)
        GetVarNameDDLBStr = Mid(GetVarNameDDLBStr, Len(NR) + 2, Len(VarName) - (Len(NR) + 2))
End Function

Function GetDDLBIndex(VarName)
Dim i As Integer
Dim SPosi As String
Dim SSS As String
        GetDDLBIndex = ""
        SSS = Mid(VarName, 9, Len(VarName) - 8)
        For i = 1 To Len(SSS) Step 1
          SPosi = AUppercase(Mid(SSS, i, 1))
          If (SPosi = "1") Or (SPosi = "2") Or (SPosi = "3") Or (SPosi = "4") Or (SPosi = "5") Or (SPosi = "6") Or (SPosi = "7") Or (SPosi = "8") Or (SPosi = "9") Or (SPosi = "0") Then
            GetDDLBIndex = GetDDLBIndex + SPosi
            Exit For
          End If
        Next i
        If GetDDLBIndex = "" Then
          GetDDLBIndex = "-1"
        End If
End Function

Function GetDDLBNRIndex(VarName)
Dim i As Integer
Dim SPosi As String
Dim SSS As String
        GetDDLBNRIndex = ""
        SSS = Mid(VarName, 11, Len(VarName) - 10)
        For i = 1 To Len(SSS) Step 1
          SPosi = AUppercase(Mid(SSS, i, 1))
          If (SPosi = "1") Or (SPosi = "2") Or (SPosi = "3") Or (SPosi = "4") Or (SPosi = "5") Or (SPosi = "6") Or (SPosi = "7") Or (SPosi = "8") Or (SPosi = "9") Or (SPosi = "0") Then
            GetDDLBNRIndex = GetDDLBNRIndex + SPosi
            Exit For
          End If
        Next i
        If GetDDLBNRIndex = "" Then
          GetDDLBNRIndex = "-1"
        End If
End Function

Function GetDDLBStrIndex(VarName)
Dim i As Integer
Dim SPosi As String
Dim SSS As String
        GetDDLBStrIndex = ""
        SSS = Mid(VarName, 12, Len(VarName) - 11)
        For i = 1 To Len(SSS) Step 1
          SPosi = AUppercase(Mid(SSS, i, 1))
          If (SPosi = "1") Or (SPosi = "2") Or (SPosi = "3") Or (SPosi = "4") Or (SPosi = "5") Or (SPosi = "6") Or (SPosi = "7") Or (SPosi = "8") Or (SPosi = "9") Or (SPosi = "0") Then
            GetDDLBStrIndex = GetDDLBStrIndex + SPosi
            Exit For
          End If
        Next i
        If GetDDLBStrIndex = "" Then
          GetDDLBStrIndex = "-1"
        End If
End Function

'Delete Beginnen and End Char
Function DeleteCharBegin_End(Char, ByVal Strin)
        DeleteCharBegin_End = Strin
        If Len(Strin) > 1 Then
          If Mid(Strin, 1, 1) = Char Then
            Strin = Mid(Strin, 2, Len(Strin) - 1)
          End If
          If Mid(Strin, Len(Strin), 1) = Char Then
            Strin = Mid(Strin, 1, Len(Strin) - 1)
          End If
          DeleteCharBegin_End = Strin
        End If
End Function

'Delete Beginnen and End Char
Function AddCharBegin_End(Char, Strin)
        AddCharBegin_End = Char + Strin + Char
End Function

Function IsCorrectInputTextStr(Strin)
Dim i As Integer
Dim SPosi As String
        IsCorrectInputTextStr = True
        For i = 1 To Len(Strin) Step 1
          SPosi = AUppercase(Mid(Strin, i, 1))
          If (SPosi = ";") Or (SPosi = ",") Or (SPosi = "'") Or (SPosi = Chr(34)) Then
            IsCorrectInputTextStr = False
          End If
        Next i
End Function

'language depented function for "Varname"
Function GetVarNameStr()
        GetVarNameStr = IniFileReadStr(GetStringDateiName, "SpestrGr_pas", "0", "Varname")
End Function

'language depented function for "Value"
Function GetValueStr()
        GetValueStr = IniFileReadStr(GetStringDateiName, "SpestrGr_pas", "1", "Value")
End Function

Function GetColorString(No)
  GetColorString = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "Colors", IntToS(No), "No definition In language file")
End Function

'language depented function "Wrong parameter value"
Function GetWrongParaStr()
        GetWrongParaStr = IniFileReadStr(GetStringDateiName, "ScriptDialogs", "0", "")
        If GetWrongParaStr = "" Then
                GetWrongParaStr = "Wrong parameter value"
        End If
End Function

'***************************** convert macros **********************************

'Convert an Float number to an string
Function FToS(w)
  Dim N As Integer
  Dim FToSSave As String
  FToS = ""
  FToSSave = Format$(w, "0.000")
  For N = 1 To Len(FToSSave) Step 1
        If Mid(FToSSave, N, 1) = "," Then
            FToS = FToS + "."
       FToS = FToS + Mid(FToSSave, N, 1)
        End If
  Next N
End Function

'Convert an Integer to an string
Function IntToS(w)
  IntToS = Trim(Str(w))
End Function

'***************************** Initialization macros **********************************

'Initialization of Variables (not DLLRun)
'Caption of the Dialog
'Default button number
'Picture folder
Sub InitializeDialog()
        If Not DialogInfo_GetIsDLLRun Then
        End If
    bmppath = GetDialogScriptspath + "Pictures\"
    If Not FolderExists(bmppath) Then
        CreateFolder (bmppath)
    End If
    PDFpath = GetDialogScriptspath + "PDF\"
    If Not FolderExists(PDFpath) Then
        CreateFolder (PDFpath)
    End If
    DLBFilePath = GetDialogScriptspath + "Data\"
    If Not FolderExists(DLBFilePath) Then
        CreateFolder (DLBFilePath)
    End If
    language_file = GetStringFormDateiName_Dialogscripts
    StringFormDateiName = GetStringFormDateiName
        script_name = DialogInfo_GetMacroName
        If script_name = "" Then
      script_name = "NotDefined"
        End If
        DialogCaption = "NC-HOPS 6.x"
End Sub

Sub InitializeDropListBoxInfosSizeSubForm()
  'Set Array count
  If DropListBoxCount > 0 Then
    ReDim Preserve DropListBoxInfos(DropListBoxCount - 1)
  End If
End Sub

Sub InitializeDropListBoxNRInfosSizeSubForm()
  'Set Array count
  If DropListBoxNRCount > 0 Then
    ReDim Preserve DropListBoxNRInfos(DropListBoxNRCount - 1) 
  End If
End Sub

Sub InitializeDialogSubForm()
End Sub

'Open actual tooldatabase an read Data in StringList and ToolArray
Sub InitializeTooldatabase()
Dim i As Integer
Dim Count As Long
Dim ToolInfo As Variant

  If LoadDatabase(GetActualToolDataName) Then
                ToolSLNo = StringListCreate
                ReadToolStringsFromDatabase (ToolSLNo)
                Count = StringListCount(ToolSLNo)
        If Count<>0 Then
	        ReDim Toollists$(Count - 1)
	        For i = 0 To Count - 1 Step 1
	            ToolInfo = StringListStrings(ToolSLNo, i)
	                Toollists$(i) = ToolInfo
	        Next i
        End If
  End If
End Sub

Sub InitializeDropListBoxInfosSize()
  'Set Array count
  If DropListBoxCount > 0 Then
    ReDim DropListBoxInfos(DropListBoxCount - 1)
  End If
End Sub

Sub InitializeDropListBoxNRInfosSize()
  'Set Array count
  If DropListBoxNRCount > 0 Then
    ReDim DropListBoxNRInfos(DropListBoxNRCount - 1)
  End If
End Sub

Sub InitializeDropListBoxStrInfosSize()
  'Set Array count
  If DropListBoxStrCount > 0 Then
    ReDim DropListBoxStrInfos(DropListBoxStrCount - 1)
  End If
End Sub

Sub InitializeDropListBoxInfo(index, Names, Values)
Dim i As Integer
Dim Info As String
Dim DLBInfo As TDropListBoxInfo

  If (index <= (DropListBoxCount - 1)) And (index >= 0) Then
    DLBInfo.DropListBoxArrayNames = Names
    DLBInfo.DropListBoxArrayValues = Values
        DLBInfo.NameCount = ParamCount(DLBInfo.DropListBoxArrayNames)
        If ParamCount(DLBInfo.DropListBoxArrayValues) < DLBInfo.NameCount Then
      DLBInfo.NameCount = ParamCount(DLBInfo.DropListBoxArrayValues)
        End If
        If DLBInfo.NameCount > 0 Then
          Call ReDimDropListBoxArray(index, DLBInfo.NameCount)
          For i = 0 To DLBInfo.NameCount - 1 Step 1
            Info = Param(i + 1, DLBInfo.DropListBoxArrayNames)
            Call SetDropListBoxArrayName(index, i, Info)
      Next i
    End If
    DropListBoxInfos(index) = DLBInfo
  End If
End Sub

Sub InitializeDropListBoxNRInfo(index,Filename)
Dim i As Integer
Dim Info As String
Dim SLNR As Integer
Dim DLBName As String
Dim DLBName1 As String
Dim DLBName2 As String
Dim DLBName3 As String
Dim Char As String
Dim PChar As Integer
  SLNR = StringListCreate
  If StringListLoadFromFile(SLNR,DLBFilePath+Filename)>=0 Then
    If (index <= (DropListBoxNRCount - 1)) And (index >= 0) Then
      Call ReDimDropListBoxNRArray(index,StringListCount(SLNR))
      For i = 0 To StringListCount(SLNR) - 1 Step 1
        Call SetDropListBoxNrArrayName(index, i,DLBName)
      Next i
    End If
  End If
  DropListBoxNRInfos(index) = StringListCount(SLNR)
End Sub

Sub GetSectionValues(SLNR,SLNRSec,Section)
Dim DLBName As String
Dim Gefunden As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
  Gefunden= False
  For i = 0 To StringListCount(SLNR) - 1 Step 1
    If Gefunden Then
      If Not (InStr(DLBName,"]")>InStr(DLBName,"[")) Then
        If Trim(DLBName)<>"" Then    
        End If
        Exit Sub
      End If
    End If
    If InStr(AUppercase(DLBName),"["+AUppercase(Section)+"]") Then
      Gefunden= True
    End If
  Next i
End Sub

Sub InitializeDropListBoxStrInfo(index,Section,Filename)
Dim i As Integer
Dim Info As String
Dim SLNR As Integer
Dim SLNRSec As Integer
Dim DLBName As String
  SLNR = StringListCreate
  SLNRSec = StringListCreate
  If FileExist(DLBFilePath+Filename) Then
    Call GetSectionValues(SLNR,SLNRSec,Section)
    If (index <= (DropListBoxStrCount - 1)) And (index >= 0) Then
      Call ReDimDropListBoxStrArray(index,StringListCount(SLNRSec))
      For i = 0 To StringListCount(SLNRSec) - 1 Step 1
        Call SetDropListBoxStrArrayName(index, i,DLBName)
      Next i
    End If
    DropListBoxStrInfos(index) = StringListCount(SLNRSec)
  End If
End Sub

Sub SetDropListBoxArrayName(index, i, Info)
  Select Case index
  Case 0
    DropListBoxArray0(i) = Info
  Case 1
    DropListBoxArray1(i) = Info
  Case 2
    DropListBoxArray2(i) = Info
  Case 3
    DropListBoxArray3(i) = Info
  Case 4
    DropListBoxArray4(i) = Info
  Case 5
    DropListBoxArray5(i) = Info
  Case 6
    DropListBoxArray6(i) = Info
  Case 7
    DropListBoxArray7(i) = Info
  Case 8
    DropListBoxArray8(i) = Info
  Case 9
    DropListBoxArray9(i) = Info
  Case 10
    DropListBoxArray10(i) = Info
  Case 11
    DropListBoxArray11(i) = Info
  Case 12
    DropListBoxArray12(i) = Info
  Case 13
    DropListBoxArray13(i) = Info
  Case 14
    DropListBoxArray14(i) = Info
  Case 15
    DropListBoxArray15(i) = Info
  Case 16
    DropListBoxArray16(i) = Info
  Case 17
    DropListBoxArray17(i) = Info
  Case 18
    DropListBoxArray18(i) = Info
  Case 19
    DropListBoxArray19(i) = Info
  Case 20
    DropListBoxArray20(i) = Info
  Case 21
    DropListBoxArray21(i) = Info
  Case 22
    DropListBoxArray22(i) = Info
  Case 23
    DropListBoxArray23(i) = Info
  Case 24
    DropListBoxArray24(i) = Info
  Case 25
    DropListBoxArray25(i) = Info
  End Select
End Sub

Sub ReDimDropListBoxArray(index, NameCount)
  Select Case index
  Case 0
    ReDim DropListBoxArray0(NameCount - 1)
  Case 1
    ReDim DropListBoxArray1(NameCount - 1)
  Case 2
    ReDim DropListBoxArray2(NameCount - 1)
  Case 3
    ReDim DropListBoxArray3(NameCount - 1)
  Case 4
    ReDim DropListBoxArray4(NameCount - 1)
  Case 5
    ReDim DropListBoxArray5(NameCount - 1)
  Case 6
    ReDim DropListBoxArray6(NameCount - 1)
  Case 7
    ReDim DropListBoxArray7(NameCount - 1)
  Case 8
    ReDim DropListBoxArray8(NameCount - 1)
  Case 9
    ReDim DropListBoxArray9(NameCount - 1)
  Case 10
    ReDim DropListBoxArray10(NameCount - 1)
  Case 11
    ReDim DropListBoxArray11(NameCount - 1)
  Case 12
    ReDim DropListBoxArray12(NameCount - 1)
  Case 13
    ReDim DropListBoxArray13(NameCount - 1)
  Case 14
    ReDim DropListBoxArray14(NameCount - 1)
  Case 15
    ReDim DropListBoxArray15(NameCount - 1)
  Case 16
    ReDim DropListBoxArray16(NameCount - 1)
  Case 17
    ReDim DropListBoxArray17(NameCount - 1)
  Case 18
    ReDim DropListBoxArray18(NameCount - 1)
  Case 19
    ReDim DropListBoxArray19(NameCount - 1)
  Case 20
    ReDim DropListBoxArray20(NameCount - 1)
  Case 21
    ReDim DropListBoxArray21(NameCount - 1)
  Case 22
    ReDim DropListBoxArray22(NameCount - 1)
  Case 23
    ReDim DropListBoxArray23(NameCount - 1)
  Case 24
    ReDim DropListBoxArray24(NameCount - 1)
  Case 25
    ReDim DropListBoxArray25(NameCount - 1)
  End Select
End Sub

Sub SetDropListBoxNrArrayName(index, i, Info)
  Select Case index
  Case 0
    DropListBoxNRArray0(i) = Info
  Case 1
    DropListBoxNRArray1(i) = Info
  Case 2
    DropListBoxNRArray2(i) = Info
  Case 3
    DropListBoxNRArray3(i) = Info
  Case 4
    DropListBoxNRArray4(i) = Info
  Case 5
    DropListBoxNRArray5(i) = Info
  Case 6
    DropListBoxNRArray6(i) = Info
  Case 7
    DropListBoxNRArray7(i) = Info
  Case 8
    DropListBoxNRArray8(i) = Info
  Case 9
    DropListBoxNRArray9(i) = Info
  Case 10
    DropListBoxNRArray10(i) = Info
  Case 11
    DropListBoxNRArray11(i) = Info
  Case 12
    DropListBoxNRArray12(i) = Info
  Case 13
    DropListBoxNRArray13(i) = Info
  Case 14
    DropListBoxNRArray14(i) = Info
  Case 15
    DropListBoxNRArray15(i) = Info
  Case 16
    DropListBoxNRArray16(i) = Info
  Case 17
    DropListBoxNRArray17(i) = Info
  Case 18
    DropListBoxNRArray18(i) = Info
  Case 19
    DropListBoxNRArray19(i) = Info
  Case 20
    DropListBoxNRArray20(i) = Info
  Case 21
    DropListBoxNRArray21(i) = Info
  Case 22
    DropListBoxNRArray22(i) = Info
  Case 23
    DropListBoxNRArray23(i) = Info
  Case 24
    DropListBoxNRArray24(i) = Info
  Case 25
    DropListBoxNRArray25(i) = Info
  End Select
End Sub

Sub ReDimDropListBoxNRArray(index, NameCount)
  Select Case index
  Case 0
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray0(NameCount - 1)
  Case 1
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray1(NameCount - 1)
  Case 2
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray2(NameCount - 1)
  Case 3
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray3(NameCount - 1)
  Case 4
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray4(NameCount - 1)
  Case 5
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray5(NameCount - 1)
  Case 6
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray6(NameCount - 1)
  Case 7
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray7(NameCount - 1)
  Case 8
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray8(NameCount - 1)
  Case 9
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray9(NameCount - 1)
  Case 10
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray10(NameCount - 1)
  Case 11
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray11(NameCount - 1)
  Case 12
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray12(NameCount - 1)
  Case 13
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray13(NameCount - 1)
  Case 14
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray14(NameCount - 1)
  Case 15
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray15(NameCount - 1)
  Case 16
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray16(NameCount - 1)
  Case 17
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray17(NameCount - 1)
  Case 18
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray18(NameCount - 1)
  Case 19
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray19(NameCount - 1)
  Case 20
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray20(NameCount - 1)
  Case 21
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray21(NameCount - 1)
  Case 22
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray22(NameCount - 1)
  Case 23
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray23(NameCount - 1)
  Case 24
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray24(NameCount - 1)
  Case 25
    ReDim DropListBoxNRArray25(NameCount - 1)
  End Select
End Sub

Sub GetDropListBoxNRArray(index,DLBNRArray$())
  Select Case index
  Case 0
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray0
  Case 1
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray1
  Case 2
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray2
  Case 3
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray3
  Case 4
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray4
  Case 5
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray5
  Case 6
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray6
  Case 7
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray7
  Case 8
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray8
  Case 9
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray9
  Case 10
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray10
  Case 11
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray11
  Case 12
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray12
  Case 13
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray13
  Case 14
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray14
  Case 15
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray15
  Case 16
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray16
  Case 17
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray17
  Case 18
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray18
  Case 19
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray19
  Case 20
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray20
  Case 21
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray21
  Case 22
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray22
  Case 23
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray23
  Case 24
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray24
  Case 25
    DLBNRArray = DropListBoxNRArray25
  End Select
End Sub

Sub SetDropListBoxStrArrayName(index, i, Info)
  Select Case index
  Case 0
    DropListBoxStrArray0(i) = Info
  Case 1
    DropListBoxStrArray1(i) = Info
  Case 2
    DropListBoxStrArray2(i) = Info
  Case 3
    DropListBoxStrArray3(i) = Info
  Case 4
    DropListBoxStrArray4(i) = Info
  Case 5
    DropListBoxStrArray5(i) = Info
  Case 6
    DropListBoxStrArray6(i) = Info
  Case 7
    DropListBoxStrArray7(i) = Info
  Case 8
    DropListBoxStrArray8(i) = Info
  Case 9
    DropListBoxStrArray9(i) = Info
  Case 10
    DropListBoxStrArray10(i) = Info
  Case 11
    DropListBoxStrArray11(i) = Info
  Case 12
    DropListBoxStrArray12(i) = Info
  Case 13
    DropListBoxStrArray13(i) = Info
  Case 14
    DropListBoxStrArray14(i) = Info
  Case 15
    DropListBoxStrArray15(i) = Info
  Case 16
    DropListBoxStrArray16(i) = Info
  Case 17
    DropListBoxStrArray17(i) = Info
  Case 18
    DropListBoxStrArray18(i) = Info
  Case 19
    DropListBoxStrArray19(i) = Info
  Case 20
    DropListBoxStrArray20(i) = Info
  Case 21
    DropListBoxStrArray21(i) = Info
  Case 22
    DropListBoxStrArray22(i) = Info
  Case 23
    DropListBoxStrArray23(i) = Info
  Case 24
    DropListBoxStrArray24(i) = Info
  Case 25
    DropListBoxStrArray25(i) = Info
  End Select
End Sub

Sub ReDimDropListBoxStrArray(index, NameCount)
  If NameCount<>0 Then
  Select Case index
  Case 0
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray0(NameCount - 1)
  Case 1
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray1(NameCount - 1)
  Case 2
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray2(NameCount - 1)
  Case 3
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray3(NameCount - 1)
  Case 4
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray4(NameCount - 1)
  Case 5
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray5(NameCount - 1)
  Case 6
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray6(NameCount - 1)
  Case 7
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray7(NameCount - 1)
  Case 8
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray8(NameCount - 1)
  Case 9
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray9(NameCount - 1)
  Case 10
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray10(NameCount - 1)
  Case 11
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray11(NameCount - 1)
  Case 12
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray12(NameCount - 1)
  Case 13
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray13(NameCount - 1)
  Case 14
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray14(NameCount - 1)
  Case 15
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray15(NameCount - 1)
  Case 16
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray16(NameCount - 1)
  Case 17
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray17(NameCount - 1)
  Case 18
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray18(NameCount - 1)
  Case 19
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray19(NameCount - 1)
  Case 20
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray20(NameCount - 1)
  Case 21
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray21(NameCount - 1)
  Case 22
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray22(NameCount - 1)
  Case 23
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray23(NameCount - 1)
  Case 24
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray24(NameCount - 1)
  Case 25
    ReDim DropListBoxStrArray25(NameCount - 1)
  End Select
  End If
End Sub

Sub GetDropListBoxStrArray(index,DLBStrArray$())
  Select Case index
  Case 0
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray0
  Case 1
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray1
  Case 2
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray2
  Case 3
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray3
  Case 4
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray4
  Case 5
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray5
  Case 6
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray6
  Case 7
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray7
  Case 8
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray8
  Case 9
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray9
  Case 10
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray10
  Case 11
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray11
  Case 12
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray12
  Case 13
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray13
  Case 14
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray14
  Case 15
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray15
  Case 16
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray16
  Case 17
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray17
  Case 18
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray18
  Case 19
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray19
  Case 20
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray20
  Case 21
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray21
  Case 22
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray22
  Case 23
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray23
  Case 24
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray24
  Case 25
    DLBStrArray = DropListBoxStrArray25
  End Select
End Sub

'Init Buttons, Optiongroups,ToolListBox and Checkbox
Sub InitializeDialogDlgFunctionStandard()
End Sub

'Set Caption of the buttons
'Set visible
Sub InitializeButtons()
  If DialogInfo_GetIsLastLine Then
  End If
End Sub

'Set number of default button
Sub SetReturnButton()
  If DialogInfo_GetIsLastLine Then
        ReturnButton = 1
        ReturnButton = 3
  End If
End Sub

'Init Optiongroup value (-1)
Sub InitializeOptionGroup()
Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If ISVarInput(DlgName(i)) Then

                        If DlgType(i) = "OptionGroup" Then
                        End If

            End If
    Next i
End Sub

'Init Checkbox value (-1) in StringList
Sub InitializeCheckbox()
Dim i As Long
        CBNameListNo = StringListCreate
        CBSituationListNo = StringListCreate
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If ISVarInput(DlgName(i)) Then
                        If DlgType(i) = "CheckBox" Then
                        End If
            End If
    Next i
End Sub

'Init ToolDropListbox (-1)
Sub InitializeToolListBox()
        Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If IsToolDropListbox(i) Then
                End If
    Next i
End Sub

'Init DropDownListbox (-1)
Sub InitializeDropDownListbox()
        Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If IsDropDownListbox(i) Then
                End If
    Next i
End Sub

'Init DropDownListboxNR (-1)
Sub InitializeDropDownListboxNR()
        Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If IsDropDownListboxNR(i) Then
                End If
    Next i
End Sub

'Init DropDownListboxNR (-1)
Sub InitializeDropDownListboxStr()
        Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If IsDropDownListboxStr(i) Then
                End If
    Next i
End Sub

Sub InitializeComboboxListboxStr()
        Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If IsComboboxListboxStr(i) Then
                End If
    Next i
End Sub
'***************************** dialogfunc macros **********************************

'Button Clicks
Function dialogfuncStandard(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&)
        Dim Lindex As Long
        dialogfuncStandard = False
        Select Case Action%
        Case 5
		'Systemmenü zurücksetzten
        Case 6 ' key
 		  If SuppValue=1 Then	       
          End If
        Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
                                If Not DialogInfo_GetValueListIsEmpty Then
                                End If

        Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
                        Select Case DlgItem
                        Case "InsertPB"
                                                dialogfuncStandard = Not OKButtonClick
                                                DialogInfo_SetIsLastLine (False)
                        Case "CancelPB"
                                                DialogInfo_SetOKClick (False)
                        Case "DefaultPB"
                                                dialogfuncStandard = True

                        Case "AddPB"
                                                dialogfuncStandard = Not OKButtonClick
                                                DialogInfo_SetIsLastLine (True)
                        Case "OKPB"
                                                dialogfuncStandard = Not OKButtonClick

                        Case "HelpPB"
						Case "FlagButton"

                                                FlagValue = DlgText("VAR_TLF")
                                                If isnummeric(FlagValue) Then
                                                        If ShowFlagDialog Then
                                                        End If
                                                        DlgFocus ("VAR_TLF")
                                                    MsgBox ("Variable:  """ + FlagValue + """  kann nicht ausgewertet werden !")
                                                End If
                                                dialogfuncStandard = True
                        Case Else
                                Lindex = StringListIndexOf(CBNameListNo, DlgItem)
                                If (Lindex >= 0) Then
                                End If

                        End Select
        End Select
End Function

Sub CallHelp
Dim PDFFile As String
  PDFFile= DialogInfo_GetMacroName+".pdf"
End Sub
'***************************** SetDefaultVarValues *********************************

Sub DefaultButtonClick()
End Sub

'Set Default value of Textbox, OptionGroup, Checkbox and ToolDropListbox
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesStandard
Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If ISVarInput(DlgName(i)) Then

                        If ISVarInputText(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Then
                        Call SetDefaultVarValuesTextBox(GetVarName(DlgName(i)), i)
                End If

                        If ISVarInputTextStr(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Then
                        Call SetDefaultVarValuesTextBoxStr(GetVarNameTextStr(DlgName(i)), i)
                End If

						If ISVarInputTextStrNew(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Then
                        Call SetDefaultVarValuesTextBoxStrNew(GetVarNameTextStrNew(DlgName(i)), i)
                End If

                        If DlgType(i) = "OptionGroup" Then
                        Call SetDefaultVarValuesOptionGroup(GetVarName(DlgName(i)), i)
                        End If
                        If DlgType(i) = "CheckBox" Then
                                Call SetDefaultVarValuesCheckBox(GetVarName(DlgName(i)), i)
                        End If

                        If IsToolDropListbox(i) Then
                                Call SetDefaultVarValuesToolListBox(i)
                        End If

                        If IsDropDownListbox(i) Then
                                Call SetDefaultVarValuesDropDownListBox(GetVarNameDDLB(DlgName(i)), i, GetDDLBIndex(DlgName(i)))
                        End If

                        If IsDropDownListboxNR(i) Then
                                Call SetDefaultVarValuesDropDownListBoxNR(GetVarNameDDLBNR(DlgName(i)), i, GetDDLBNRIndex(DlgName(i)))
                        End If

                        If IsDropDownListboxStr(i) Then
                                Call SetDefaultVarValuesDropDownListBoxStr(GetVarNameDDLBStr(DlgName(i)), i, GetDDLBStrIndex(DlgName(i)))
                        End If
                        If IsComboboxListboxStr(i) Then
                                Call SetDefaultVarValuesComboboxListBoxStr(GetVarNameDDLBStr(DlgName(i)), i, GetDDLBStrIndex(DlgName(i)))
                        End If
            End If
    Next i
End Sub

'Set Default of Textbox
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesTextBox(VarName, index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
        If Trim(DlgText(index)) = "" Then
                defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
        End If
End Sub

'Set Default of Textboxstr
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesTextBoxStr(VarName, index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
        If Trim(DlgText(index)) = "" Then
                defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
        End If
End Sub

'Set Default of TextboxstrNew
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesTextBoxStrNew(VarName, index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
        If Trim(DlgText(index)) = "" Then
                defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
        End If
End Sub

'Set Default of Optiongroup
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesOptionGroup(VarName, index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
Dim w As Integer
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
        w = GetOptionGroupStandardIndex(index, defaultStr)
        On Error GoTo Problem
'       If EqualStr(VarName,"Ebene") Then
'               DlgValue(i,0)
'       End If
        Exit Sub
MsgBox GetWrongParaStr + vbCrLf + GetVarNameStr + ": " + VarName + vbCrLf + GetValueStr + ": " + IntToS(w)
End Sub

'Set Default of Checkbox
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesCheckBox(VarName, index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
Dim w As Integer
Dim Lindex As Long

        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
        w = StringToInt(defaultStr)
        If w <> 0 Then
          w = 1
        End If
        Lindex = StringListIndexOf(CBNameListNo, DlgName(index))
        If (Lindex >= 0) And (StringListStrings(CBSituationListNo, Lindex) = "-1") Then
        End If

End Sub

'Set Default of ToolListbox
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesToolListBox(index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
Dim i As Long
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name("Tool") + " "
        For i = 0 To (StringListCount(ToolSLNo) - 1)

                If InStr(Toollists$(i), defaultStr) = 1 Then
                        If DlgValue(index) < 0 Then
                        End If
                End If
        Next i

End Sub

'Set Default of DropDownListbox
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesDropDownListBox(VarName, index, DDLBIndex)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
  If (DDLBIndex <= (DropListBoxCount - 1)) And (DDLBIndex >= 0) Then
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
    Call SetDDLBValue(defaultStr, index, DDLBIndex, False)
  End If
End Sub

'Set Default of DropDownListboxNR
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesDropDownListBoxNR(VarName, index, DDLBIndex)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
  If (DDLBIndex <= (DropListBoxNRCount - 1)) And (DDLBIndex >= 0) Then
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
    Call SetDDLBNRValue(defaultStr, index, DDLBIndex, False)
  End If
End Sub

'Set Default of DropDownListboxStr
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesDropDownListBoxStr(VarName, index, DDLBIndex)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
  If (DDLBIndex <= (DropListBoxStrCount - 1)) And (DDLBIndex >= 0) Then
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
    Call SetDDLBStrValue(defaultStr, index, DDLBIndex, False)
  End If
End Sub

'Set Default of ComboboxListboxStr
Sub SetDefaultVarValuesComboboxListBoxStr(VarName,index, DDLBIndex)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
        If Trim(DlgText(index)) = "" Then
		  If (DDLBIndex <= (DropListBoxStrCount - 1)) And (DDLBIndex >= 0) Then
		        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
		    Call SetDDLBStrValue(defaultStr, index, DDLBIndex, False)
                defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
		  End If
        End If
End Sub

'***************************** SetBackVarValues **********************************

Sub SetBackVarValues()
End Sub

'Set Back (Return to Hops) value of Textbox, OptionGroup, Checkbox and ToolDropListbox
Sub SetBackVarValuesStandard(AsDefault)
Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If ISVarInput(DlgName(i)) Then
                        If ISVarInputText(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Then
                                Call SetBackVarValuesTextBox(GetVarName(DlgName(i)), DlgText(i),AsDefault)
                    End If

                        If ISVarInputTextStr(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Then
                        Call SetBackVarValuesTextBoxStr(GetVarNameTextStr(DlgName(i)), DlgText(i),AsDefault)
                    End If

                        If ISVarInputTextStrNew(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Then
                        Call SetBackVarValuesTextBoxStrNew(GetVarNameTextStrNew(DlgName(i)), DlgText(i),AsDefault)
                    End If

                        If DlgType(i) = "OptionGroup" Then
                        Call SetBackVarValuesInteger(GetVarName(DlgName(i)), DlgValue(i),AsDefault)
                        End If
                        If DlgType(i) = "CheckBox" Then
                                Call SetBackVarValuesInteger(GetVarName(DlgName(i)), DlgValue(i),AsDefault)
                        End If

                        If IsToolDropListbox(i) Then
                                Call SetBackVarValuesToolListBox(GetVarName(DlgName(i)), DlgValue(i),AsDefault)
                        End If

                        If IsDropDownListbox(i) Then
                                Call SetBackVarValuesDropDownListBox(GetVarNameDDLB(DlgName(i)), GetDDLBIndex(DlgName(i)), DlgValue(i),AsDefault)
                        End If
                        If IsDropDownListboxNR(i) Then
                                Call SetBackVarValuesDropDownListBoxNR(GetVarNameDDLBNR(DlgName(i)), GetDDLBNRIndex(DlgName(i)), DlgValue(i),AsDefault)
                        End If
                        If IsDropDownListboxStr(i) Then
                                Call SetBackVarValuesDropDownListBoxStr(GetVarNameDDLBStr(DlgName(i)), GetDDLBStrIndex(DlgName(i)), DlgValue(i),AsDefault)
                        End If
                        If IsComboboxListboxStr(i) Then
                                Call SetBackVarValuesComboboxListBoxStr(GetVarNameDDLBStr(DlgName(i)), GetDDLBStrIndex(DlgName(i)),DlgText(i),DlgValue(i),AsDefault)
                        End If
         End If
    Next i
    If AsDefault And FileExist(HopMacro.Filename) Then
	End If
End Sub

Function SetVarValueDefault(VarName,VarValue)
Dim HV As HopVar

	Set HV = HopMacro.VarList.GetExpHopVar_Name(VarName)
	If Not HV Is Nothing Then
	End If
End Function

Sub SetBackVarValuesTextBox(VarName, VarValue,AsDefault)
        ' new MW 7.6.2001
        ' , changed in .
        'VarValue = Replace$(VarValue, ",", ".")
        'Enables textboxes is possible to be empty (SF 16.07.01)
        If Trim(VarValue) = "" Then
                VarValue = DialogInfo_GetVarDefaultValue_Name(VarName)
        End If
        If Trim(VarValue) = "" Then
                VarValue = "0"
        End If
    If Not AsDefault Then
	End If
End Sub

Sub SetBackVarValuesTextBoxStr(VarName, VarValue,AsDefault)
	If Not AsDefault Then
	End If
End Sub

Sub SetBackVarValuesTextBoxStrNew(VarName, VarValue,AsDefault)
	If Not AsDefault Then
	End If
End Sub

Sub SetBackVarValuesInteger(VarName, VarValue,AsDefault)
	If Not AsDefault Then
	End If
End Sub

Sub SetBackVarValuesToolListBox(VarName, VarValue,AsDefault)
Dim ToolStr As Variant
        ToolStr = StringListStrings(ToolSLNo, VarValue)
	If Not AsDefault Then
	End If
End Sub

Sub SetBackVarValuesDropDownListBox(VarName, index, VarValue,AsDefault)
	If Not AsDefault Then
	End If
End Sub

Sub SetBackVarValuesDropDownListBoxNR(VarName, index, VarValue,AsDefault)
	If Not AsDefault Then
	End If
End Sub

Sub SetBackVarValuesDropDownListBoxStr(VarName, index, VarValue,AsDefault)
	If Not AsDefault Then
	End If
End Sub

Sub SetBackVarValuesComboboxListBoxStr(VarName, index,VarValueStr,VarValue,AsDefault)
Dim ListName As String

ListName = GetDDLBStrValue(index,VarValue)
If Len(ListName)>2 Then
	If Not AsDefault Then
	End If
	If Not AsDefault Then
	End If
End If
End Sub
'***************************** SetStartVarValues **********************************

'Set start (From Hops) value of Textbox, OptionGroup, Checkbox and ToolDropListbox
Sub SetStartVarValuesStandard()
Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If ISVarInput(DlgName(i)) Then

                        If ISVarInputText(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Then
                        Call SetStartVarValuesTextBox(GetVarName(DlgName(i)), i)
                End If

                        If ISVarInputTextStr(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Then
                        Call SetStartVarValuesTextBoxStr(GetVarNameTextStr(DlgName(i)), i)
                End If

                        If ISVarInputTextStrNew(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Then
                        Call SetStartVarValuesTextBoxStrNew(GetVarNameTextStrNew(DlgName(i)), i)
                End If

                        If DlgType(i) = "OptionGroup" Then
                        Call SetStartVarValuesOptionGroup(GetVarName(DlgName(i)), i)
                        End If
                        If DlgType(i) = "CheckBox" Then
                                Call SetStartVarValuesCheckBox(GetVarName(DlgName(i)), i)
                        End If

                        If IsToolDropListbox(i) Then
                                Call SetStartVarValuesToolListBox(i)
                        End If

                        If IsDropDownListbox(i) Then
                                Call SetStartVarValuesDropDownListBox(GetVarNameDDLB(DlgName(i)), i, GetDDLBIndex(DlgName(i)))
                        End If
                        If IsDropDownListboxNR(i) Then
                                Call SetStartVarValuesDropDownListBoxNR(GetVarNameDDLBNR(DlgName(i)), i, GetDDLBNRIndex(DlgName(i)))
                        End If
                        If IsDropDownListboxStr(i) Then
                                Call SetStartVarValuesDropDownListBoxStr(GetVarNameDDLBStr(DlgName(i)), i, GetDDLBStrIndex(DlgName(i)))
                        End If
                        If IsComboboxListboxStr(i) Then
                                Call SetStartVarValuesComboboxListBoxStr(GetVarNameDDLBStr(DlgName(i)),i, GetDDLBStrIndex(DlgName(i)))
                        End If
            End If
    Next i
End Sub

Sub SetStartVarValuesTextBox(VarName, index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name(VarName)
End Sub

Sub SetStartVarValuesTextBoxStr(VarName, index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name(VarName)
End Sub

Sub SetStartVarValuesTextBoxStrNew(VarName, index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name(VarName)
End Sub

Function GetOptionGroupStandardIndex(index, Value)
        GetOptionGroupStandardIndex = DlgValue(index)
        If GetOptionGroupStandardIndex < 0 Then
                GetOptionGroupStandardIndex = StringToInt(Value)
        End If
End Function

Sub SetStartVarValuesOptionGroup(VarName, index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
Dim w As Integer
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name(VarName)
        w = GetOptionGroupStandardIndex(index, defaultStr)
        On Error GoTo Problem
'       If EqualStr(VarName,"Ebene") Then
'               DlgValue(i,0)
'       End If
        Exit Sub
MsgBox GetWrongParaStr + vbCrLf + GetVarNameStr + ": " + VarName + vbCrLf + GetValueStr + ": " + IntToS(w)
End Sub

Sub SetStartVarValuesCheckBox(VarName, index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
Dim w As Integer
Dim Lindex As Integer
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name(VarName)
        w = StringToInt(defaultStr)
        If w <> 0 Then
          w = 1
        End If
        Lindex = StringListIndexOf(CBNameListNo,"VAR_"+VarName)
        If (Lindex >= 0) Then
        End If
End Sub

Sub SetStartVarValuesToolListBox(index)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
Dim i As Long
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name("Tool") + " "
        For i = 0 To (StringListCount(ToolSLNo) - 1)

                If InStr(Toollists$(i), defaultStr) = 1 Then
                        If DlgValue(index) < 0 Then
                        End If
                End If
        Next i

End Sub

'Set Start of DropDownListbox
Sub SetStartVarValuesDropDownListBox(VarName, index, DDLBIndex)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
  If (DDLBIndex <= (DropListBoxCount - 1)) And (DDLBIndex >= 0) Then
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name(VarName)
    Call SetDDLBValue(defaultStr, index, DDLBIndex, True)
  End If
End Sub

'Set Start of DropDownListbox
Sub SetStartVarValuesDropDownListBoxNR(VarName, index, DDLBIndex)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
  If (DDLBIndex <= (DropListBoxNRCount - 1)) And (DDLBIndex >= 0) Then
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name(VarName)
    Call SetDDLBNRValue(defaultStr, index, DDLBIndex, True)
  End If
End Sub

'Set Start of DropDownListbox
Sub SetStartVarValuesDropDownListBoxStr(VarName, index, DDLBIndex)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
  If (DDLBIndex <= (DropListBoxStrCount - 1)) And (DDLBIndex >= 0) Then
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name(VarName)
    Call SetDDLBStrValue(defaultStr, index, DDLBIndex, True)
  End If
End Sub

'Set Start of ComboboxListbox
Sub SetStartVarValuesComboboxListBoxStr(VarName, index, DDLBIndex)
Dim defaultStr As Variant
  If (DDLBIndex <= (DropListBoxStrCount - 1)) And (DDLBIndex >= 0) Then
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name(VarName)
    Call SetDDLBStrValue(defaultStr, index, DDLBIndex, True)
    'Wert ist nicht in derListe Listenindex -1 -> Wert manuell setzen
    If (DlgValue(index) < 0) Then
	End If
        defaultStr = DialogInfo_GetVarValue_Name(VarName)
  End If
End Sub
'***************************** DialogInputsOK **********************************

'Check if Dialoginputs OK and set parameter for hops
Function OKButtonClick()
    OKButtonClick = AllDialogInputsOKStandard
    If OKButtonClick Then
        OKButtonClick = AllDialogInputsOKExtented
        If OKButtonClick Then
                DialogInfo_SetOKClick (True)
        End If
    End If
End Function

'Check all Inputs of Textbox, OptionGroup, Checkbox and ToolDropListbox
Function AllDialogInputsOKStandard()
Dim i As Long

    AllDialogInputsOKStandard = True
    For i = 0 To DlgCount() - 1
                If ISVarInput(DlgName(i)) Then

                    If ISVarInputText(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Or IsComboboxListboxStr(i) Then
                                If DlgEnable(i) Then
                                  If Not IsCorrectInputStr(DlgText(i)) Then
                                        AllDialogInputsOKStandard = False
                                        MsgBox (GetIncorrect_MSG)
                                        DlgFocus (i)
                                        Exit For
                                  End If
                                End If
                    End If

                        If ISVarInputTextStr(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Or ISVarInputTextStrNew(DlgName(i), DlgType(i)) Then
                                If DlgEnable(i) Then
                                  If Not IsCorrectInputTextStr(DlgText(i)) Then
                                        AllDialogInputsOKStandard = False
                                        MsgBox (GetIncorrectTextStr)
                                        DlgFocus (i)
                                        Exit For
                                  End If
                                End If
                    End If

                        If (DlgType(i) = "OptionGroup") Or IsToolDropListbox(i) Or IsDropDownListbox(i) Or IsDropDownListboxNR(i) Or IsDropDownListboxStr(i) Then
                                If DlgEnable(i) Then
                                  If DlgValue(i) < 0 Then
                                        AllDialogInputsOKStandard = False
                                        MsgBox (GetIncorrect_MSG)
                                        DlgFocus (i)
                                        Exit For
                                  End If
                                End If
                        End If

                End If
    Next i
End Function

'***************************** Finialization **********************************

'Delete Lists
Sub FinializeDialog()
        StringListDestroy (ToolSLNo)
        StringListDestroy (CBNameListNo)
        StringListDestroy (CBSituationListNo)
        If Not DialogInfo_GetIsDLLRun Then
        End If
End Sub

'Call in Sub main if you don't use DLL call (for testing)
Sub Debugfinish()
End Sub

'***************************** Flagdialog         **********************************
Global FlagValue As String

Global DrillingTypArray$()
Global FlagArray$()

Sub Init()

        ReDim DrillingTypArray(4)
        DrillingTypArray(0) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "2", "no definition in language file")
        DrillingTypArray(1) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "3", "no definition in language file")
        DrillingTypArray(2) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "4", "no definition in language file")
        DrillingTypArray(3) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "5", "no definition in language file")
        ReDim FlagArray(9)
        FlagArray(0) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "6", "no definition in language file")
        FlagArray(1) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "7", "no definition in language file")
        FlagArray(2) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "8", "no definition in language file")
        FlagArray(3) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "9", "no definition in language file")
        FlagArray(4) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "10", "no definition in language file")
        FlagArray(5) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "11", "no definition in language file")
        FlagArray(6) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "12", "no definition in language file")
        FlagArray(7) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "13", "no definition in language file")
        FlagArray(8) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "14", "no definition in language file")
        FlagArray(9) = IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "15", "no definition in language file")
End Sub

Function ShowFlagDialog()
        Begin Dialog UserDialog 520,252,IniFileReadStr(language_file,"__bohrzyklen","0","no definition in language file"),.Flagdialogfunc ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
                GroupBox 20, 7, 480, 196, IniFileReadStr(language_file, "__bohrzyklen", "1", "no definition in language file"), .GroupBox1
'               OKButton 120,217,90,21
'               CancelButton 290,217,90,21
                PushButton 130, 224, 90, 21, GetOKString, .OKPB
                PushButton 300, 224, 90, 21, GetCancelString, .CancelPB
                DropListBox 40, 35, 180, 154, DrillingTypArray(), .DrillingTypDDLB
                DropListBox 240, 35, 100, 154, FlagArray(), .FlagDDLB
                Picture 350, 49, 140, 126, bmppath + "_Bohr_Durchgang.bmp", 0, .Picture1
                OKButton 60, 224, 30, 21, .OKModal
        End Dialog
  Dim dlg As UserDialog
  TLFResult = 0
  Dialog dlg
  ShowFlagDialog = (TLFResult = -1)
End Function

Function GetTypIndex(FlagValue)
Dim Typ As String
  GetTypIndex = 0
  If Len(FlagValue) = 2 Then
    Typ = Mid(FlagValue, 1, 1)
    GetTypIndex = StringToInt(Typ)
  End If
End Function

Function GetFlagIndex(FlagValue)
Dim Typ As String
  GetFlagIndex = 0
  ' wenn 1.-stelliger wert
  If Len(FlagValue) = 1 Then
    Typ = Mid(FlagValue, 1, 1)
    GetFlagIndex = StringToInt(Typ)
  End If
  If Len(FlagValue) = 2 Then
    Typ = Mid(FlagValue, 2, 1)
    GetFlagIndex = StringToInt(Typ)
  End If
End Function

Rem See DialogFunc help topic for more information.
Private Function Flagdialogfunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
        Select Case Action%
        Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization

        Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
                Rem Flagdialogfunc = True ' Prevent button press from closing the dialog box
                        Select Case DlgItem
                                Case "OKPB"
                                                TLFResult = -1
                                                FlagValue = IntToS(DlgValue("DrillingTypDDLB") * 10 + DlgValue("FlagDDLB"))
                                Case "CancelPB"
                                                TLFResult = 0
                        End Select

                        If UCase(DlgItem) = "DRILLINGTYPDDLB" Then
                        End If

        Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed
        Case 4 ' Focus changed
        Case 5 ' Idle
                Rem Flagdialogfunc = True ' Continue getting idle actions
        Case 6 ' Function key
        End Select
End Function

Function switch_picture_Typ()

        Dim i As Integer

        i = DlgValue("DrillingTypDDLB")

        If i = 0 Then
        End If
        If i = 1 Then
        End If
        If i = 2 Then
        End If
        If i = 3 Then
        End If
End Function

Function isnummeric(stri) As Boolean
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim suchchar As String

    isnummeric = True
        For i = 1 To Len(stri)
            suchchar = Mid(stri, i, 1)
            If (suchchar = "0") Or (suchchar = "1") Or (suchchar = "2") Or (suchchar = "3") Or (suchchar = "4") Or (suchchar = "5") _
               Or (suchchar = "6") Or (suchchar = "7") Or (suchchar = "8") Or (suchchar = "9") Then
               isnummeric = False
            End If
End Function

Function gs(i As Integer) As String

        gs = IniFileReadStr(language_file, script_name, IntToS(i), "no definition in language file")
End Function


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  • Bitte beschreiben Sie Ihr Problem möglichst ausführlich. (Wichtige Info z.B.: Office Version, Betriebssystem, Wo genau kommen Sie nicht weiter)
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26.11.2013 21:31:16 Daniel